
void al_destroy_display(ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *display)
Introduced in 5.0.0

Destroy a display.

If the target bitmap of the calling thread is tied to the display, then it implies a call to "al_set_target_bitmap(NULL);" before the display is destroyed.

That special case notwithstanding, you should make sure no threads are currently targeting a bitmap which is tied to the display before you destroy it.

See also: al_set_target_bitmap

Examples: ex_blend_bench, ex_display_options, ex_drawpixels, ex_dualies, ex_fs_resize, ex_fs_window, ex_mouse_focus, ex_multiwin, ex_noframe, ex_resize2, ex_threads, ex_threads2, ex_warp_mouse, ex_windows, ex_winfull

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