ALLEGRO_DISPLAY_MODE *al_get_display_mode(int index, ALLEGRO_DISPLAY_MODE *mode)
Introduced in 5.0.0
Retrieves a display mode. Display parameters should not be changed between a call of al_get_num_display_modes and al_get_display_mode. index must be between 0 and the number returned from al_get_num_display_modes-1. mode must be an allocated ALLEGRO_DISPLAY_MODE structure. This function will return NULL on failure, and the mode parameter that was passed in on success.
See also: ALLEGRO_DISPLAY_MODE, al_get_num_display_modes
Examples: ex_display_options, ex_monitorinfo
Most helpful discussions:
- How to set Display properties? (1)
- [A5] Fullscreen + keep 4:3 ratio (1)
- Fullscreen (1)
- Display Mode removes window controls
- Allegro 5 performance
- Weird flex with my Bitmaps on my Screen
- How to detect the currrent system resolution?
- switch FULLSCREEN on and off
- Allegro Wiki A5 Tutorial error or really odd laptop?
Other recent discussions:
- A strange error everytime my proggy ends...
- Drawing text slows down FPS dramatically
- Does al_set_new_display_adapter affect al_get_display_mode?
- al_draw_bitmap_region does not return
- Can't enumerate fullscreen modes before a display is created
- weird mouse issue
- ALLEGRO_RESIZABLE & Mouse Pointer Collision Detection
- Strange lags in really simple project
- al_draw_filled_rectangle v. slow compared to al_draw_filled_rectangle
- A5 setting color depth problem (Linux)