bool al_get_monitor_info(int adapter, ALLEGRO_MONITOR_INFO *info)
Introduced in 5.0.0
Get information about a monitor's position on the desktop. adapter is a number from 0 to al_get_num_video_adapters()-1.
Returns true on success, false on failure.
See also: ALLEGRO_MONITOR_INFO, al_get_num_video_adapters
Examples: ex_draw_bitmap, ex_monitorinfo, ex_windows
Most helpful discussions:
- [A5] al_get_desktop_resolution / available resolutions (2)
- How to set Display properties? (1)
- Getting Allegro to Play Nice with Windows Scaling Settings
- [KrampusHack 2020] DragonWrath
- Eagle0pt8 and Allegro 526x binary release
- In full screen mode, the display stretches to full screen
- got a bug in my FULLSCREEN WINDOWED MODE switchout
- Calling al_get_monitor_info() before al_create_display() allowed
- Allegro 5.2.5 released!
- how to make a game menu
Other recent discussions:
- How to detect the currrent system resolution?
- Drawing Issue
- al_draw_scaled_bitmpa not working if called more than 1 time
- video & physfs problems in the same file
- Allegro 5.2.3 released!
- Allegro 5.2.x and Raspberry Pi - failed to create display
- [A5] Show & Hide window/display Cross-Platform ?
- Change adapter un runtime
- Allegro 5.1.13 released!
- [a5] Multisampling not working in Direct3D