Odd event.mouse.x & y values |
Member #13,038
July 2011
All, I'm just starting to work on adding a mouse to my program. The setup seems easy enough on Allegro 5. I added a simple square cursor. When it wouldn't move I started to textf the event.mouse.x, event.mouse.y values for reference. The x value stays 0. The y value is about a 9+ digit number that constantly bounces whether the mouse is being moved or not. It even throws in a negative here and there. Has anyone ever heard of this before? I don't have a compiler error or warning. The other events from the keyboard work fine. Its just the mouse. I've installed the mouse, and registered it. I'm sure I've over looked something, but based on the various code examples and youtube items I've looked up, I don't know what it would be. Especially since I'm not getting error and warnings. Thanks |
Member #2,727
September 2002
You probably have to post code |
Dizzy Egg
Member #10,824
March 2009
Online example and YouTube videos?? And now you come to us? That’s it, I’m not helping you. I want a divorce.
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Member #934
January 2001
where are you getting x/y values of the mouse? Which mouse events? Just know that the ALLEGRO_EVENT is a union of many different EVENT structs. If you try to get mouse.x and mouse.y values from a non-mouse event, it will be garbage. Post some code. |
Member #13,038
July 2011
Dizzy, I meant no offense . On most other specialized sites I frequent if you ask for help without exhausting ALL other avenues you get hit with a bunch of attitude meant to make you look stupid and lazy. “We answer this all the time” or “When are ppl going start putting forth effort without looking for a quick answer” or “Its all in the manual, that needs to be the first place you look.” Or “ Yes I know all there is to know on the subject. I am the reason they developed XXXXXXX, but don’t be fooled, just because I am on this Help site ALL THE TIME, I’m not here to answer questions!!!!” Ok I might have made up the last one, but you get the idea. I was trying to find it for myself before troubling anyone else. Plus I’ve been asking a lot of questions as of late. As for code. It’s going to be a little hard to follow because I’m just patching stuff in. I’m trying to get familiar with A5. As I decide I want to learn a certain aspect, I graft it in to my current code which isn’t clear and organized. This could be the issue. I can include the individual functions if need be. In the Solly’s Matches line, If I change the event.mouse.x/y I get the odd numbers I mentioned earlier, if I replace with pos_x / pos_y they stay at 0. Meaning they aren’t getting updated by the ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_AXES if. 1/**********************INCLUDES ***********************/
2#include <cstdio>
3#include <cstdlib>
4#include <iostream>
5#include <allegro5/allegro5.h>
6#include <allegro5/allegro_font.h>
7#include <allegro5/allegro_ttf.h>
8//#include <allegro5/allegro_image.h>
9#include <allegro5/allegro_primitives.h>
10#include <allcolor_A5.h>
11#include <string>
13/********************* DEFINES ******/
14#define STX 25
15#define STY 75
16#define CQTY 24
17/********************* STRUCTS ******/
18struct BLOCKS {
19 float fTX;
20 float fTY;
21 float fBX;
22 float fBY;
23 bool bMatched;
24 bool bFlipped;
25 int iValue;
26 float fCX;
27 float fCY;
28 ALLEGRO_COLOR aFrontColor;
29 ALLEGRO_COLOR aBackColor;
32/********************* FUNCTION DECLARE ******/
33void a_init();
34void draw_cards(BLOCKS[], float,int, int);
35void card_setup(BLOCKS[]);
36void match_setup(BLOCKS[]);
37int random_no(int);
39/********************* EXTERNALS ******/
40extern ALLEGRO_TIMER* timer;
41extern ALLEGRO_EVENT_QUEUE* queue;
42extern ALLEGRO_DISPLAY* disp;
43extern ALLEGRO_FONT* font;
44extern ALLEGRO_EVENT event;
45/******************* Main() *****************/
46int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
47int iChoiceCount = 0;
48bool bQuit = false;
49int iFirstChoice = 0;
50int iSecondChoice = 0;
51BLOCKS Blocks[CQTY];
52int iKey = 0;
53int pos_x = 100;
54int pos_y = 100;
56 a_init();
57 card_setup(Blocks);
58 match_setup(Blocks);
60while (!bQuit)
63 al_wait_for_event(queue, &event);
64 al_clear_to_color(COLOR::BLACK);
65 al_draw_textf(font, COLOR::BR_CYAN, 10, 20, 0, "Solly's Matches %i %i",event.mouse.x,event.mouse.y);
68 switch(iChoiceCount<2){
69 case true:
70 draw_cards(Blocks,0.0,pos_x,pos_y);
71 break;
72 case false:
73 for(int count = 0;count<CQTY;count++){
74 if(!Blocks[count].bMatched)
75 Blocks[count].bFlipped = false;} // Card Flip Cleared
76 iChoiceCount=0;
77 break;
78 } //end switch for iChoiceCount
81 if(event.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN)
82 {
83 iKey = event.keyboard.keycode-1;
85 if(event.keyboard.keycode >= ALLEGRO_KEY_A && event.keyboard.keycode <= ALLEGRO_KEY_X ){
86 Blocks[iKey].bFlipped = true;
87 if(iChoiceCount == 0) iFirstChoice = iKey;
88 if(iChoiceCount == 1) iSecondChoice = iKey;
89 iChoiceCount++;
90 } // end if for block choice
91 else if(event.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_ESCAPE)
92 bQuit = true;
94 if(iChoiceCount == 2){
95 if(Blocks[iFirstChoice].iValue == Blocks[iSecondChoice].iValue ){
96 Blocks[iFirstChoice].bMatched = true;
97 Blocks[iSecondChoice].bMatched = true; }}
99 if((Blocks[iFirstChoice].bFlipped && Blocks[iSecondChoice].bFlipped )&&(Blocks[iFirstChoice].iValue != Blocks[iSecondChoice].iValue )){
100 draw_cards(Blocks,2.0,pos_x,pos_y);
101 }//end Block Comparison if
102 }// end if event.type keyboard
104 else if(event.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_AXES)
105 { pos_y = event.mouse.y;
106 pos_x = event.mouse.x;
107 }
109 draw_cards(Blocks,0.0, pos_x,pos_y);
111}// end while()
116 return 0;
118} //end main()
Thanks for looking it over. |
Dizzy Egg
Member #10,824
March 2009
Haha that's ok, I was only joking! We love helping out here Your mouse event line on 102 is else-if'd with the checking of blocks; I'm guessing it should just be: if(event.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_AXES) { pos_y = event.mouse.y; pos_x = event.mouse.x; } Without the else EDIT: Oh no, that's wrong - I can see now it's else-if'd with the other event! Back to the drawing board....
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Member #13,038
July 2011
Well it's working now. Not sure why. I moved my text print line to my ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_AXES if section and it worked. The numbers were accurate to my mouse location and the "cursor" moved around with the system cursor. So I figure my drawing and flipping were conflicting somehow. So I put it back (uncommented it out) and it still works. Craziest thing. I've had this happen on rare occasions. Could be the IDE. Next time I'll do a CLEAN first and then build. In any case. Thanks a lot. I'm sure I'll be back. |
Dizzy Egg
Member #10,824
March 2009
Oh well, glad it's working!
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Member #934
January 2001
else is a special keyword. It links to the most recent if. In your case, you assumed it's the if for ALLEGRO_KEY_ESCAPE. However, it's linking to the if right above it. Fix it with braces or move it right beneath the if 1 if(event.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN)
2 {
3 iKey = event.keyboard.keycode-1;
5 if(event.keyboard.keycode >= ALLEGRO_KEY_A && event.keyboard.keycode <= ALLEGRO_KEY_X ){
6 Blocks[iKey].bFlipped = true;
7 if(iChoiceCount == 0) iFirstChoice = iKey;
8 if(iChoiceCount == 1) iSecondChoice = iKey;
9 iChoiceCount++;
10 } // end if for block choice
11 else if(event.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_ESCAPE)
12 bQuit = true;
14 else if(event.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_AXES)
15 { pos_y = event.mouse.y;
16 pos_x = event.mouse.x;
17 }
19 if(iChoiceCount == 2){
20 if(Blocks[iFirstChoice].iValue == Blocks[iSecondChoice].iValue ){
21 Blocks[iFirstChoice].bMatched = true;
22 Blocks[iSecondChoice].bMatched = true; }}
24 if((Blocks[iFirstChoice].bFlipped && Blocks[iSecondChoice].bFlipped )&&(Blocks[iFirstChoice].iValue != Blocks[iSecondChoice].iValue )){
25 draw_cards(Blocks,2.0,pos_x,pos_y);
26 }//end Block Comparison if
27 }// end if event.type keyboard
**************************************** AceBlkwell said: my current code which isn’t clear and organized
One way to help organize is have better indentation (line things up). Actually you can't with your keykode checks. No need to write every case statement from A to X. I like to line up by braces like this: 1 if(event.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN)
2 {
3 | iKey = event.keyboard.keycode-1;
4 |
5 | if(event.keyboard.keycode >= ALLEGRO_KEY_A && event.keyboard.keycode <= ALLEGRO_KEY_X )
6 | {
7 | | Blocks[iKey].bFlipped = true;
8 | |
9 | | if(iChoiceCount == 0) iFirstChoice = iKey;
10 | | if(iChoiceCount == 1) iSecondChoice = iKey;
11 | | iChoiceCount++;
12 | } // end if for block choice
13 | else if(event.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_ESCAPE)
14 | {
15 | | bQuit = true;
16 | }
17 }
Member #13,038
July 2011
Thanks Daniel, Typically I do a little better job making my code more easily readable. Maybe not as nice as you have it but I do align connected code. I also comment better. Again in this case I was just patch working. I didn't expect anyone to be looking at it . Thanks again. |