Introduced in 5.0.0
An ALLEGRO_COLOR structure describes a color in a device independant way. Use al_map_rgb et al. and al_unmap_rgb et al. to translate from and to various color representations.
Examples: ex_blend, ex_blend2, ex_blend_test, ex_blit, ex_clip, ex_display_options, ex_draw, ex_drawpixels, ex_draw_bitmap, ex_filter, ex_fs_resize, ex_fs_window, ex_gp2xwiz, ex_haiku, ex_joystick_events, ex_keyboard_focus, ex_lines, ex_logo, ex_mouse, ex_mouse_events, ex_mouse_focus, ex_native_filechooser, ex_nodisplay, ex_premulalpha, ex_prim, ex_resize, ex_rotate, ex_scale, ex_stream_seek, ex_threads, ex_transform, ex_ttf, ex_vsync, ex_warp_mouse
Most helpful discussions:
- Problem with function 'al_draw_text'
- Transform / Translate
- Using Sine And Cosine For Rotation
- Problem with al_creat_bitmap
- Game Lag Windows to Linux - FPS issue?
- Odd event.mouse.x & y values
- Struct with a #define in it
- I'm new
- Keycode out of range
- al_map_rgb() only works after al_init() contrary to the documentation
Other recent discussions:
- Overly complicated
- You're such a disappointment.
- Math question (2d trig)
- using a photo to floofill a bitmap
- tranformations with A5
- why is my code failing
- Mipmap causing texture bleeding
- Allegro color bitmap
- Same code - slow on Windows, fast on Linux - timer fires too slow?
- A little bit of fun for family and friends