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enric has rated 5 projects with an average score of 9.60
Good work! Doesn't suffer from programmer gfx. Very funny when played with friends. What I would like to see is a linux port and maibye AI! AI would be *cool* !!
Independence Day
Really inspiring. The game itself is perhaps a bit too simple but the overall experience including the top ten scores :) music and menus is very professional and gives you a feel of comfort
Not only best allegro game but best multiplayer 2d game ever! I didn't really like 1player game because 2 player is a lot better. This game doesn't get boring like nearly all other games I've tryed. Last, but not least: THANKS for the source code!!! I wonder how you managed to write it: it's so weird with all these arrays jj, j, f, etc. to store data. also, weird variable names but nevertheless, it works!
Space: A Side-Scroller
super game! I first played the opengl version that looked pretty bad(a white screen with a fighter and invisible shoots) then I tryed the Directx one that looked great! |
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