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Ceagon Xylas
Ceagon Xylas has rated 27 projects with an average score of 7.48
Brutalo Deluxe
Unfortunately, won't hold anyones attention for very long. The gameplay is lacking any challenge. I found it more luck than anything that kept me alive in this game. 2-3 bullets and then you explode kinda seems a little rediculous to me.
Dune II - The Maker
I think probable that this is the best game on Allegro. The only thing that holds back a 10 from me is that this is a remake. Don't get me wrong! I love remakes, but they do not take as much creativity.
Dynamic Color Gradient Generator
Excilent algorithms... I love everything you can do with this!! Yet, I'm going to remain fairly pickey. The GUI is still a little...basic? The only thing that I could see enhancing in this program is the GUI. I give it a 4!
This is actually one of my favorite games of all time. The sound, music, lightning, graphics -- everything was absolutely perfect in this game. There is alot of reading but what else makes a game good? You could jump around the scene blowing some things to peices, but that simply does get boring after a few hours ;] I would rate this game with 6 stars if possible! An absolutely definate must-play!
I'm a big board game (or pen and paper) Dungeon's and Dragons type fan. Love the style of gameplay in this game. Excilent graphics as well!
It is Raining Orks
Some of the animations are a little -- lacking. The gameplay is about what you'd expect. The only thing more I'd like to see in this game is some blood and more flashy effects! All-in-all: well done.
Laser War
Ooo very good game! Took me a minute to figure out what was going on -- but hey, that's the classic feel ^_- Sure, it's a little monotonus, but all the same I enjoyed it. 4.
No no no! My critique: 1) Keep the same pixel ratio throughout the whole engine [that includes the messages] 2) DONT use rpg maker graphics for an rpg -- I'm tired of seeing this. 3) Keep the same perspective and 'style' for all of your art. Other than that, a pretty well-rounded engine. [++] Keep it up, just start spending more time on making your games YOUR games... Art is at least 80% of the work for a good game.
The idea for this game, however not unique, was pretty entertaining. The gameplay becomes repetative, but the upgrades will give you the sense of accomplishment. Sure, the only challenge in this game is the enemies get harder as you progress, but that is what classic gaming's about isn't it?
Maybe a little Warhammer 40k influence here? Not sure. The gameplay seems resonably entertaining, but the LAN/Internet abilites are what really make this game stick out.
One to one soccer
Not bad, but not anything particuarly greatly unique either. All I can say is I've played this game 3,435,000 times in the past.
In Speedhack, I LOVED it... In general, my only complaint is the graphics are a little bland. Can't really tell whats what [which gives it that classic feel, of course] But it's still missing the classic bold outlines on objects.
Sound Wave Generator
Absolutely beautiful. Gets the job done VERY nicely. Make the gui a little prettier and this will be a perfect application.
Tough Terry
Don't really know what to say about this game. I wasn't impressed the lack of animation. I.E. you kill an enemy and he simply dissapears. Maybe improvement here would make this game alot better. The weaponry is very nice, however. :) |
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