void al_init_font_addon(void)
Introduced in 5.0.0
Initialise the font addon.
Note that if you intend to load bitmap fonts, you will need to initialise allegro_image separately (unless you are using another library to load images).
See also: al_init_image_addon, al_init_ttf_addon, al_shutdown_font_addon
Examples: ex_audio_props, ex_bitmap_flip, ex_bitmap_target, ex_blend, ex_blend2, ex_blit, ex_clip, ex_color, ex_disable_screensaver, ex_display_options, ex_draw, ex_draw_bitmap, ex_filter, ex_font, ex_font_justify, ex_fs_window, ex_gldepth, ex_iphone, ex_logo, ex_membmp, ex_mouse_events, ex_native_filechooser, ex_pixelformat, ex_premulalpha, ex_prim, ex_stream_seek, ex_synth, ex_timer, ex_transform, ex_ttf, ex_vsync, ex_warp_mouse, ex_windows
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