void al_compose_transform(ALLEGRO_TRANSFORM *trans, const ALLEGRO_TRANSFORM *other)
Introduced in 5.0.0
Compose (combine) two transformations by a matrix multiplication.
trans := trans other
Note that the order of matrix multiplications is important. The effect of applying the combined transform will be as if first applying trans
and then applying other
and not the other way around.
- trans - Transformation to alter
- other - Transformation used to transform
Most helpful discussions:
- Transform / Translate
- Using Sine And Cosine For Rotation
- First person camera using transformations
- [A5] Trying to understand projection transformations
- [A5] Trying to understand transformations
- Transformations in allegro
- Is composing horz + vert shear the same thing as shearing both?
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- Allegro Fonts in 3D space and with a custom frustum
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