Introduced in 5.0.0
An event source is any object which can generate events. For example, an ALLEGRO_DISPLAY can generate events, and you can get the ALLEGRO_EVENT_SOURCE pointer from an ALLEGRO_DISPLAY with al_get_display_event_source.
You may create your own "user" event sources that emit custom events.
See also: ALLEGRO_EVENT, al_init_user_event_source, al_emit_user_event
Examples: ex_native_filechooser, ex_user_events
Most helpful discussions:
- al_map_rgb() only works after al_init() contrary to the documentation
- Program locks on exit (linux only)
- A segfault for libmpv
- Passing ALLEGRO_* by reference
- Synchronizing Threads
- Keyboard Event Issue (aka: The Tales of a man who didn't knew how to code)
- I do not quite understand the custom events mentioned in the user manual
- Getting Started
- Redrawing smoothly while display is being resized
Other recent discussions:
- Joystick Event Injection
- Help needed installing agui library
- ALLEGRO_RESIZABLE & Mouse Pointer Collision Detection
- Tic
- Listeners, threads, synchronization
- Crash in d3d_shutdown
- GUI Basics? (AGUI)
- ALLEGRO_HAPTIC or force feedback for Allegro
- [A5] User Event are giving me a hard time.
- [A5] simulate_keypress()?