void al_set_config_value(ALLEGRO_CONFIG *config,
const char *section, const char *key, const char *value)
Introduced in 5.0.0
Set a value in a section of a configuration. If the section doesn't yet exist, it will be created. If a value already existed for the given key, it will be overwritten. The section can be NULL or "" for the global section.
For consistency with the on-disk format of config files, any leading and trailing whitespace will be stripped from the value. If you have significant whitespace you wish to preserve, you should add your own quote characters and remove them when reading the values back in.
See also: al_get_config_value
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- Calling al_install_audio from a DLL?
- Depth bug (Allegro 5 + Opengl)
- Playing video (ex_video.c) in Allegro 5.
- Video playback issues
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- Raspberry Pi - slightly delayed audio
- About shaders and ALLEGRO_BITMAPS
- Can't modify config file
Other recent discussions:
- Inconsistent bitmap restoration (-1)
- Error building with Raspberry Pi Debug Build
- "System none" initialization on Allegro 5
- Delay when playing a sound effect using "al_play_sample"
- URGENT need help font problem
- Changing the directory where allegro.log is written
- Allegro 5.1.11 released!
- Creating and saving config files
- allegro5.cfg
- Write INT to config file