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Thread locks too soon |
Neil Roy
Member #2,229
April 2002
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When liberals encourage extra-marital sex, and then children are born to single parent families who can barely feed their children, let alone send them to college, don't blame the nation. Good solid family values with a proper family containing both parents is the solid foundation of a prosperous nation. Attack that, and expect to see more poor, under educated people who low wage jobs. You can't have it both ways. Don't expect the rest of the nation to pay your way because they were smart enough to get married, have children within marriage and raise their children right with a good enough income to support them. And as a child of a single parent family who lived on government assistance in low rental housing because my mother felt the need to leave my father and raise us as poor as can be, I know about it all too well. --- |
Edgar Reynaldo
Major Reynaldo
May 2007
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NiteHackr said: Arthur Kalliokoski, you may as well talk to a brick wall than to say anything to Edgar. You can show him a ton of evidence against the global warming, global cooling, climate change fraud and he would still demand you show him more evidence, or summarize it for his feeble little brain and then tell you the same old garbage responses about how you are wrong all over again. I gave up on him, I much prefer talking to brick walls. The only one who is dense here is you. You haven't shown me a single shred of actual evidence that I am wrong. I on the other hand have pointed out multiple sources of reliable data and experimentation that back up what I say. You can't be bothered to post anything other than what amounts to satirical cartoons because you don't have any evidence to support your position. No, I'm not gonna waste my time on your propaganda videos. All they amount to is an op-ed piece by someone who refuses to acknowledge scientific facts. I bet you can't provide one single study that actually contradicts what I've told you in regards to climate change, temperature changes, atmospheric change, weather change, or anything else I've put forward. Again, I've backed my assertions up with actual data. What have you got? The weather channel? LMAO @ your "REAL" science. NiteHackr said: Climate change is a joke... an expensive, very harmful one at that. And so I treat it as the joke that it is. I have posted video after video after video with real scientists who tell us why climate change is a fraud and it does not good, at least in here. Any idiot can make a video. And all it takes is another idiot like you to share it with the rest of the idiots in the world. raynebc said: @Edgar Green energy policy is one thing, polluting it with Socialism suggests that it is more likely just another corrupt omnibus grab bag. When the top 1% holds 50% of the wealth in a nation, taxing the rich is NOT Socialism. How do you think they got that rich? By exploiting people. The USA is basically an oligarchy, served by a corrupt government who caters to their whims. Trump is just a figurehead for the rich and powerful. He's one of them after all. raynebc said: although that's looking like that doesn't even have to be the case since CO2 can be captured and combined with H2 to create liquid fuel. If it were that simple, they'd have been doing it a long time ago. raynebc said: Edit: One of my VERY liberal friends is into environmental causes and has described to me how automated cars could eventually be used as a fleet of taxi service vehicles, possibly on a subscription type basis where the rider has no burden of ownership or maintenance, the vehicle is just allocated when needed. That's the kind of thing I could see happening as highly efficient automated cars would greatly reduce vehicle congestion, energy use, etc. NO WAY IN HELL. I program computers for a living, and the one thing I know is that they are not to be relied on when it comes to making life or death decisions. You will never get me to let a computer drive me around in a car. Too many factors that can't be accounted for by an artificial intelligence that a real human driver can handle easily. Aaron Bolyard said: Classic response. Literally outside of a few issues most other developed countries beat the US, those were literally off the topic of my head and took seconds to verify. Because of the US's incredible health care system, I had to take care of my mother for six years before she died. All the while, growing up, we lived below the poverty line. My life was put on hold for six years. I am now playing catch up--going to school while working a severely low-paying programming job--while dealing with severe mental illness. The only lucky break I've had is I receive Medicare. Otherwise I'd probably be one of the homeless insane hobos right now. When you call USA #1 and I've lived the life I have, I simply can't agree.
Aaron's right on with his description of the good ole USA. raynebc said: If you want to blame the country for your unusually poor results, that's your decision. It's tough to have enough resources to raise children without a partner. Poor results can come from poor luck as well as poor choices, they needn't all be blamed on other people. Poor choice of words there. "unusually poor results" are actually typical in most of America. I love how you want to blame Aaron and his mother for "poor life choices", when it's the system that is broken. You are so completely oblivious though, there's not much point trying to convince you otherwise. NiteHackr said: Good solid family values with a proper family containing both parents is the solid foundation of a prosperous nation. Attack that, and expect to see more poor, under educated people who low wage jobs. You can't have it both ways. Don't expect the rest of the nation to pay your way because they were smart enough to get married, have children within marriage and raise their children right with a good enough income to support them. And as a child of a single parent family who lived on government assistance in low rental housing because my mother felt the need to leave my father and raise us as poor as can be, I know about it all too well. Who the hell are you to judge your mother? If she left your deadbeat dad, I'm sure there was a good reason for it. She raised you and took care of you on her own, and you're gonna criticize her decision? And you're gonna criticize Aaron's mother for being a single parent? That's just b***sh*t. My Website! | EAGLE GUI Library Demos | My Deviant Art Gallery | Spiraloid Preview | A4 FontMaker | Skyline! (Missile Defense) Eagle and Allegro 5 binaries | Older Allegro 4 and 5 binaries | Allegro 5 compile guide |
Erin Maus
Member #7,537
July 2006
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wtf Love the weasel words "poor choices." Like I had a choice to have mental illness or be born into poverty. Like my mom had a choice her ***husband*** (nice assumptions, Neil Roy; projecting much?) left her. The only choice I made was to take care of my mom after she succumbed to physical illness and eventually cancer that could not treated because we did not have the resources to do so. I guess the capitalist way would've been to left her to die, right??? That's what you would've done to your mother, right raynebec??? --- |
Member #7,536
July 2006
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Edgar Reynaldo said:
What have you got? The weather channel? LMAO @ your "REAL" science.
I don't know why you're ripping on the weather network. Edgar Reynaldo said: When the top 1% holds 50% of the wealth in a nation, taxing the rich is NOT Socialism. How do you think they got that rich? By exploiting people. The USA is basically an oligarchy, served by a corrupt government who caters to their whims. Trump is just a figurehead for the rich and powerful. He's one of them after all. Well said. It should actually be unreasonable to allow individuals to have so much wealth. Billions of dollars? They could live like the wealthiest kings every day of their lives and still have billions of dollars left over. There's absolutely no reason to let individuals or even corporations hoard all of that wealth. Wealth that could literally change the lives of millions of people, as well as boost the productivity of the world and literally change people's lives. You cannot become a billionaire without exploiting people. There is no product or service worth that kind of exchange over the course of your life. It's disingenuous to allow this to happen without spreading that wealth back out over the population. These extremely wealthy people and corporations are exactly the parties that "lobby" AKA bribe our governments to act against our best interests. It's understandable why the government wouldn't want to dismantle them, but it's dumbfounding why an average citizen would think it's reasonable to permit them to operate that way unchecked. Edgar Reynaldo said: I program computers for a living, and the one thing I know is that they are not to be relied on when it comes to making life or death decisions. You will never get me to let a computer drive me around in a car. Too many factors that can't be accounted for by an artificial intelligence that a real human driver can handle easily. I generally agree, but with caveats. I do believe that some day we may get to the point where we can trust computers with this task. I don't think any of us will be alive for it though. We may get to see the precursors, but I'll probably refrain from getting in one until I've seen the outcomes of 10 or 15 years of operation. Case in point: the Boeing 737 MAX or whatever. The engineers decided it would be wise to let the computer decide when the plane was in trouble and recover automatically. Except instead faulty sensors cause the planes to think they're stalling when they aren't, forcing them into a dive and crash. Worst of all, it was so nonchalant that pilots weren't even properly trained on how to disable it. They may well have automated cars on the road today, and they may well expand in our lifetime, but I anticipate we'll have similar failures with these automated cars. Non-trivial computer programs are hard/impossible to review and prove. The more complex they get the more likely edge cases and things will trigger unanticipated bugs. There may be a day as I age when I consider the computer a more reliable operator than I am, but hopefully it won't be for a long while. As it is even ABS systems are sometimes unreliable. We disabled it in my pickup because it was flaky at low speeds. It seems to contradict logic, but I think I've improved stopping distances without it again. Even for a 2008. Hopefully they've figured it out by 2019, but I've heard even 2019 trucks still do it. On the other hand, I believe that the majority of people are careless and clumsy behind the wheel so computers might well be able a viable replacement for most operators in our lifetime. Still maybe not as safe as competent human operators, but I think it's fair to say that many human operators are incompetent too. Edgar Reynaldo said: Who the hell are you to judge your mother? If she left your deadbeat dad, I'm sure there was a good reason for it. She raised you and took care of you on her own, and you're gonna criticize her decision? And you're gonna criticize Aaron's mother for being a single parent? That's just b***sh*t. I think he actually had a valid point there, but I think it was by accident. Studies do show that single-parent homes, particularly single-mother homes, predict more delinquencies and unproductive members of society. Fathers are very important for children. So are mothers. Both parents are important, and certainly the stability that both parents can provide contribute towards a brighter future. It's still not guaranteed. It's just one of many variables. There are exceptions to every rule. Also, it should be noted that it has nothing to do with religion or god or the Bible. It makes sense that two-parent households would have more resources in general, whether it's more money, more energy, more time, more discipline, etc. On and on. While mothers are really wonderful nurturers, they're pretty nonthreatening to even a young boy pushing double-digits. Fathers on the other hand tend to be pretty scary forever. There may come a time when you can technically overpower your father, but by then it's probably because their health is failing so it's not a fair fight. And by then you've hopefully learned to respect him well enough that you'd never lift a finger to him unless he forced you to. Marriage as a religious institution isn't significant. What I think is important about marriage, religion aside, is that a man and woman committing to stay by each other's side for their entire lives allows them to invest in their future together in ways that couples otherwise cannot easily do. Of course, the modern day courts that favour women and hate men have stretched this advantage to its breaking point. Men have little choice. You can either gamble or you can play it safe and skip the family. Ultimately, it makes for a lot of very unstable members of society, which is counter-productive. Nevertheless, marriage is still probably your best bet, but I encourage you to be very blunt with your bride-to-be up front, and lay down the law as it were. At least do your best to come to an understanding of what marriage is, and what a productive family is, and that "divorce because the grass may be greener" isn't a viable option. It all comes down to both adults doing everything they can to pick the best suitable mate. Which means compromising. There's no such thing as perfect. And also, it means establishing a compatible outlook on life, love, and family. Marriage is about agreeing to stick together no matter what. So you had better be damn sure before you say I do. People make mistakes, and we need to be able to forgive and work through challenges. That's what marriage is all about. Nobody ever said that every successful marriage was perfect. There's no such thing. It's about not giving up, and BOTH people continuing to work together. To take care of each other's needs. -- acc.js | al4anim - Allegro 4 Animation library | Allegro 5 VS/NuGet Guide | Allegro.cc Mockup | Allegro.cc <code> Tag | Allegro 4 Timer Example (w/ Semaphores) | Allegro 5 "Winpkg" (MSVC readme) | Bambot | Blog | C++ STL Container Flowchart | Castopulence Software | Check Return Values | Derail? | Is This A Discussion? Flow Chart | Filesystem Hierarchy Standard | Clean Code Talks - Global State and Singletons | How To Use Header Files | GNU/Linux (Debian, Fedora, Gentoo) | rot (rot13, rot47, rotN) | Streaming |
Member #11,908
May 2010
@Edgar Technology improves, making new forms of energy possible and affordable. You should know that. It's not a problem that there are people who are much richer than others. The quality of life of even poor people is leaps and bounds greater than a mere couple generations ago, even when not in periods of war. You think automated car fleets are not going to be a thing, but that catastrophic global warming is? I also agree that the former isn't reliable enough, but they will get better. As soon as the technology is so good that car manufacturers agree to be monetarily liable for all collisions, avoidable or otherwise (just as humans are expected to be), then I'll believe it's fit to replace humans driving. You can infer whatever you want from my post, but too many people these days fail to take personal responsibility, to our collective detriment. And they demand that daddy government take care of them. As is obvious, I don't subscribe to the far-left economic theory that people shouldn't be allowed to amass wealth for reasons of "fairness." Edit: Typo fix. |
Member #1,975
March 2002
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@NiteHackr (and anybody else), do you understand the concept of "average temperature", right? ----------------- |
Erin Maus
Member #7,537
July 2006
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Something less serious: Here's hope. 1-2 months left before I form an LLC then start approaching publishers. --- |
Member #1,975
March 2002
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@Aaron: Great! Me wants. Only for Windows? ----------------- |
Erin Maus
Member #7,537
July 2006
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Thank you! Windows x64 only until a setup CI to produce 32-bit/64-bit Windows/Linux builds which will be Somewhat Soon (tm). The CI is complicated because it needs to build three native libraries I've made myself (BMASHINA, Discworld, and nbunny) plus a custom LÖVE build plus its dependencies, then package the game and submit it to my distribution pipeline. This is like a 20 step process... Focusing on finishing demo right now. 3-4 more weeks for 'Priority 1' which is basically finishing the High Chambers of Yendor / Calm Before the Storm quest (2 more floors of the dungeon + need about 30-40 decorations [vases to desks to everything in-between] to spruce up the game world). 2-4 weeks thereafter for 'Priority 2': music, sound effects, settings screen, some some misc minor polish. --- |
Member #1,975
March 2002
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Quote: LÖVE I thought it was made using Allegro... or does LÖVE use Allegro? I discovered a lot of itch.io games that require download and install LÖVE (so I didn't), don't know what actually is. ----------------- |
Erin Maus
Member #7,537
July 2006
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LÖVE uses SDL, and I use a custom build of LÖVE. So vanilla LÖVE won't run my game. LÖVE is a (mostly) 2D framework for Lua games. --- |
Neil Roy
Member #2,229
April 2002
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Read this on a fellow programmer's blog a while back and it made me laugh. He has a point though! “Software engineers aren't afraid of the robot apocalypse. There's no reason to be scared of something that can be taken down with a misplaced semicolon.” (this is actually my most common error in programming) --- |
Edgar Reynaldo
Major Reynaldo
May 2007
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As soon as EMP bombs become feasible, technology will fall. EDIT My Website! | EAGLE GUI Library Demos | My Deviant Art Gallery | Spiraloid Preview | A4 FontMaker | Skyline! (Missile Defense) Eagle and Allegro 5 binaries | Older Allegro 4 and 5 binaries | Allegro 5 compile guide |
Member #1,975
March 2002
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Edgar Reynaldo said: NiteHackr, perhaps you should try python - no semicolons xD But spaces, that would be worst... ----------------- |
Neil Roy
Member #2,229
April 2002
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I was joking with a friend of mine that we would just use squirt guns! --- |
Rodolfo Lam
Member #16,045
August 2015
Lua seems to be a nice language, however, I’ve never been able to get myself into learning it. How it is compared to python or ruby?
Member #5,313
December 2004
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I can't believe this thread is still going.
Member #3,861
September 2003
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We may reach a server limit one of these days "Code is like shit - it only smells if it is not yours" |
Edgar Reynaldo
Major Reynaldo
May 2007
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LUA is fine if you're into auto-erotic asphyxiation It's like the love child of C and Assembly. If you're used to C++, you'll hate it. Use Python or Ruby instead. Ruby supports all modern inheritance and polymorphic relations, and interfaces decently with C++. My Website! | EAGLE GUI Library Demos | My Deviant Art Gallery | Spiraloid Preview | A4 FontMaker | Skyline! (Missile Defense) Eagle and Allegro 5 binaries | Older Allegro 4 and 5 binaries | Allegro 5 compile guide |
Erin Maus
Member #7,537
July 2006
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I think you're wrong. It's Lua, btw. C++ is tied with Lua for my favorite programming language. Lua is just so flexible. I wrote my own class system supporting inheritance and reflection. A callback system supporting binding parameters. I wrote a DSL for a graph-like ORM I call the GameDB. A dialog system that abuses coroutines. I find Python inferior as a language. As an ecosystem, Python is way better. I've not used Ruby so I can't comment. --- |
Edgar Reynaldo
Major Reynaldo
May 2007
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Just because you use it the most doesn't make it the best candidate for the job. Metatables are crap dude. Having to implement inheritance and polymorphism is stupid. Why reinvent four separate wheels just to use a car? Ruby supports so much more out of the box, and gems make it super easy to distribute, along with a portable lightweight interpreter. Silly rabbit, Trix are for kidsTM. My Website! | EAGLE GUI Library Demos | My Deviant Art Gallery | Spiraloid Preview | A4 FontMaker | Skyline! (Missile Defense) Eagle and Allegro 5 binaries | Older Allegro 4 and 5 binaries | Allegro 5 compile guide |
Erin Maus
Member #7,537
July 2006
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I also use FreeBSD on my servers, use zsh, and one of my favorite bands broke up after one album. I'm just cool. --- |
Edgar Reynaldo
Major Reynaldo
May 2007
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Aaron Bolyard said: I'm just cool More like lukewarm... My Website! | EAGLE GUI Library Demos | My Deviant Art Gallery | Spiraloid Preview | A4 FontMaker | Skyline! (Missile Defense) Eagle and Allegro 5 binaries | Older Allegro 4 and 5 binaries | Allegro 5 compile guide |
Erin Maus
Member #7,537
July 2006
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You forgot the smiley:
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Edgar Reynaldo
Major Reynaldo
May 2007
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Your new name is LuaCWarM, short for Lua Coroutine War Machine xD My Website! | EAGLE GUI Library Demos | My Deviant Art Gallery | Spiraloid Preview | A4 FontMaker | Skyline! (Missile Defense) Eagle and Allegro 5 binaries | Older Allegro 4 and 5 binaries | Allegro 5 compile guide |