Game completely screwed up. |
Member #8,586
May 2007
Everything was working pretty much how I wanted when only one player's character was drawn to the screen. Now, I run into all sorts of other errors. The best way for you guys to help me would probably be to compile and run my program for yourselves. I'll attach a zip of the files you need. 1// Sword Play
3// Known issues:
5// two players are stuck together
6// player 2, as far as I can tell, is not starting at the location I specified (x-coordinate 440)
7// game crashes for reasons unknown
8// occasionally game will skip the last frame of any animation, even when only one player is there and works properly...is that always going to happen or can that be fixed?
9// many more sprite sheets still needed
11#include <allegro.h>
13#define BLACK makecol(0, 0, 0)
14#define GREEN makecol(0, 255, 0)
15#define WHITE makecol(255, 255, 255)
17volatile int frame1 = 0, frame2 = 0, p1 = 40, p2 = 440, player, stamina1 = 100, stamina2 = 100, ticks = 0;
18const int frameRate = 8, staticy = 200;
19bool first1 = true, otherFirst1 = false, first2 = true, otherFirst2 = false; // restarts the frame count every time a button is pressed
21// obtains sprites from a sprite sheet
22BITMAP *grabframe(BITMAP *source, int width, int height, int startx, int starty, int columns, int frame)
24 BITMAP *temp = create_bitmap(width, height);
26 int x = startx + (frame % columns) * width;
27 int y = starty + (frame / columns) * height;
29 blit(source, temp, x, y, 0, 0, width, height);
31 return temp;
33BITMAP *buffer; // used to smooth out the animation
34BITMAP *buffer2; // used to smooth out animation even more
35BITMAP *pic; // temporary variable for putting sprites into an array
36BITMAP *SwordPlayTitle; // title screen picture
38// sprite arrays end in s (for sprite) to differentiate from functions
39BITMAP *fightStances[4];
40BITMAP *runForwards[9];
41BITMAP *runBackwards[5];
43/*BITMAP *attackHeads[10];
44BITMAP *attackHands[10];
45BITMAP *attackFoots[10];
46BITMAP *defendHeads[1];
47BITMAP *defendHands[1];
48BITMAP *defendFoots[1];
50BITMAP *powerStruggles[1];
51BITMAP *pushs[4];*/
53void time(void); // used to count hundredths of a second
54void frame1Function(int maxframes); // controls animation of current action for player 1
55void frame2Function(int maxframes); // controls animation of current action for player 2
57void runForward(int player); // 9 frames
58void runBackward(int player); // 5 frames
60/*void attackHead(int player);
61void attackHand(int player);
62void attackFoot(int player);
63void defendHead(int player);
64void defendHand(int player);
65void defendFoot(int player);
67void push(int player); // 5 frames: one player stumbles backward, other stays in fightStance
68void powerStruggle(void); // both players go through same two frames, then loser is pushed*/
70void stamina(void); // displays players' stamina bars
71void increaseStamina(void); // slightly regenerates stamina every second
72/*void decreaseStamina(void); // decreases player's stamina when an attack is blocked*/
74int main(void)
76 allegro_init(); // uses Allegro
77 install_timer(); // initializes timing functionality
78 install_keyboard(); // allows use of keyboard
79 set_color_depth(32); // sets color depth for pallette of sprites
80 set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED, 640, 480, 0, 0); // makes the screen a 640x480 window
81 SwordPlayTitle = load_bitmap("SwordPlayTitle.bmp", NULL); // loads title screen image
83 blit(SwordPlayTitle, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, SwordPlayTitle->w, SwordPlayTitle->h); // puts the title screen picture on the screen
84 textprintf_centre_ex(screen, font, SCREEN_W / 2, 460, makecol(255, 255, 255), -1, "Press Any Key to Continue...");
85 destroy_bitmap(SwordPlayTitle); // frees up memory by destroying a now unneeded title screen
86 readkey(); // waits for input to proceed
88 rest(50); // brief pause between input and loading the actual game
90 // loads frames for the fighting stance animation
91 pic = load_bitmap("FightStanceSpriteSheet.bmp", NULL);
92 for(int x = 0; x <= 3; x++)
93 {
94 fightStances[x] = grabframe(pic, 240, 240, 0, 0, 4, x);
95 }
97 // loads frames for the running forward animation
98 pic = load_bitmap("RunForwardSheet.bmp", NULL);
99 for(int x = 0; x <= 8; x++)
100 {
101 runForwards[x] = grabframe(pic, 240, 240, 0, 0, 4, x);
102 }
104 // loads frames for the running backward animation
105 pic = load_bitmap("RunBackwardSheet.bmp", NULL);
106 for(int x = 0; x <= 4; x++)
107 {
108 runBackwards[x] = grabframe(pic, 240, 240, 0, 0, 4, x);
109 }
111 destroy_bitmap(pic); // frees up memory by destroying a now unneeded temporary variable
112 buffer = create_bitmap(SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); // makes the buffer
113 buffer2 = create_bitmap(SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); // makes the buffer's buffer
114 install_int_ex(time, BPS_TO_TIMER(100)); // calls the timer function 100 times every second
115 install_int_ex(increaseStamina, BPS_TO_TIMER(1)); // increases the stamina bars for both players by 1 every second
117 // main game loop
118 while(!key[KEY_ESC])
119 {
120 clear_to_color(buffer, WHITE);
121 /*// attack commands for player 1
122 if(key[KEY_W] && key[KEY_SPACE])
123 attackHead(1);
124 else if(key[KEY_SPACE])
125 attackHand(1);
126 else if(key[KEY_S] && key[KEY_SPACE])
127 attackFoot(1);
129 // defend commands for player 1
130 else if(key[KEY_W] && key[KEY_LSHIFT])
131 defendHead(1);
132 else if(key[KEY_LSHIFT])
133 defendHand(1);
134 else if(key[KEY_S] && key[KEY_LSHIFT])
135 defendFoot(1);*/
137 // movement commands for player 1
138 if(key[KEY_D])
139 {
140 if(first1 == true)
141 {
142 frame1 = 0;
143 first1 = false;
144 otherFirst1 = true;
145 }
146 runForward(1);
147 draw_sprite(buffer, runForwards[frame1], p1, staticy);
148 }
149 else if(key[KEY_A])
150 {
151 if(first1 == true)
152 {
153 frame1 = 0;
154 first1 = false;
155 otherFirst1 = true;
156 }
157 runBackward(1);
158 draw_sprite(buffer, runBackwards[frame1], p1, staticy);
159 }
160 else
161 {
162 first1 = true;
163 if(otherFirst1 == true)
164 {
165 otherFirst1 = false;
166 frame1 = 0;
167 }
168 frame1Function(3);
169 draw_sprite(buffer, fightStances[frame1], p1, staticy);
170 }
172 /*// attack commands for player 2
173 if(key[KEY_W] && key[KEY_SPACE])
174 attackHead(1);
175 else if(key[KEY_SPACE])
176 attackHand(1);
177 else if(key[KEY_S] && key[KEY_SPACE])
178 attackFoot(1);
180 // defend commands for player 2
181 else if(key[KEY_W] && key[KEY_LSHIFT])
182 defendHead(1);
183 else if(key[KEY_LSHIFT])
184 defendHand(1);
185 else if(key[KEY_S] && key[KEY_LSHIFT])
186 defendFoot(1);*/
188 // movement commands for player 2
189 if(key[KEY_LEFT])
190 {
191 if(first2 == true)
192 {
193 frame2 = 0;
194 first2 = false;
195 otherFirst2 = true;
196 }
197 runForward(2);
198 draw_sprite_h_flip(buffer, runForwards[frame1], p1, staticy);
199 }
200 else if(key[KEY_RIGHT])
201 {
202 if(first2 == true)
203 {
204 frame2 = 0;
205 first2 = false;
206 otherFirst2 = true;
207 }
208 runBackward(2);
209 draw_sprite_h_flip(buffer, runBackwards[frame1], p1, staticy);
210 }
211 else
212 {
213 first2 = true;
214 if(otherFirst2 == true)
215 {
216 otherFirst2 = false;
217 frame2 = 0;
218 }
219 frame2Function(3);
220 draw_sprite_h_flip(buffer, fightStances[frame1], p1, staticy);
221 }
223 stamina(); // displays the stamina bars on the screen
224 blit(buffer, buffer2, 0, 0, 0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); // puts everything that just happened in the last split-second on the second buffer
225 blit(buffer2, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); // puts that buffer on the screen
226 clear_bitmap(buffer); // erases the buffer so that it can be changed again
227 }
228 remove_int(increaseStamina); // frees up the memory used to call this function over and over again
230 return 0; // makes this code compatible with non-MS compilers
233void time()
235 ticks++;
237 if(ticks >= 100)
238 ticks = 0;
241void frame1Function(int maxframes)
243 if(frame1 >= maxframes)
244 frame1 = 0;
246 float comparisonVariable = 100 / frameRate;
248 if(ticks >= comparisonVariable)
249 {
250 ticks = 0;
252 if(frame1 >= maxframes)
253 frame1 = 0;
254 else
255 frame1++;
256 }
259void frame2Function(int maxframes)
261 if(frame2 >= maxframes)
262 frame2 = 0;
264 float comparisonVariable = 100 / frameRate;
266 if(ticks >= comparisonVariable)
267 {
268 ticks = 0;
270 if(frame2 >= maxframes)
271 frame2 = 0;
272 else
273 frame2++;
274 }
277void runForward(int player)
279 if(player == 1)
280 {
281 frame1Function(8);
283 if(p1 <= (p2 - 240))
284 p1++;
285 }
287 if(player == 2)
288 {
289 frame2Function(8);
291 if(p2 >= p1)
292 p2--;
293 }
296void runBackward(int player)
298 if(player == 1)
299 {
300 frame1Function(4);
302 if(p1 > 0)
303 p1--;
304 }
306 if(player == 2)
307 {
308 frame1Function(4);
310 if(p2 < SCREEN_W)
311 p2++;
312 }
315void stamina()
317 textprintf_ex(buffer, font, 5, 15, BLACK, -1, "Player 1");
318 textprintf_right_ex(buffer, font, SCREEN_W - 5, 15, BLACK, -1, "Player 2");
319 rectfill(buffer, 5, 5, 5 + stamina1, 10, GREEN);
320 rectfill(buffer, SCREEN_W - 105, 5, SCREEN_W - 105 + stamina2, 10, GREEN);
323void increaseStamina()
325 stamina1++;
326 if(stamina1 > 100)
327 stamina1 = 100;
328 stamina2++;
329 if(stamina2 > 100)
330 stamina2 = 100;
Goalie Ca
Member #2,579
July 2002
1) Use a more descriptive title Debugging has to be systematic to work. Trace through your program at the first sign of a problem (or better yet. right before something happens). step through execution line by line while watching variables. Test individual functions for correctness if you can. ------------- |
Member #7,317
June 2006
How come you still haven't fixed your animation problem? I explained in quite some detail, complete with examples, how to do that in my last post to your thread (the response to your second post on that thread). [edited to provide further help] In response to your known issues in the comments at the start of the program: Quote:
// two players are stuck together Yep, that's because you're plonking them both at the came location, (p1, staticy). You're also using frame1 animation to display player 2 (albeit flipped). Quote: // game crashes for reasons unknown Run it in debug mode and see where it stops? Quote: // occasionally game will skip the last frame of any animation, even when only one player is there and works properly...is that always going to happen or can that be fixed? See my comment at the top of this post for that one. Two of these 3 issues are quite basic errors (particularly the positioning one), and it indicates you have made very little effort, if any, to work out for your self why it's not working. That just plain lazy. I'm not going to help again if you're not going to give debugging a good shot before asking for help. -- |
Member #8,586
May 2007
I don't know how to read a debug screen. |
Member #6,152
August 2005
What IDE are you using? (Dev-C++, Code::Blocks, Visual Studio, etc.)? ------------ |
Member #8,586
May 2007
I'm using Visual Studio 2005. |
Member #6,152
August 2005
Quote: I don't know how to read a debug screen.
Quote: I'm using Visual Studio 2005. Okay, you should have a debugger built into Visual Studio 2005. You can go to your help menu and do a search for "debugger" or even "debug", which will give you a start on how it works. Note that you can set "breakpoints" and when running in debug mode, the program will pause at this breakpoint. Then you can manually step line-by-line through your code and see exactly where your code bombs. Knowing how to use a debugger is not optional, it is a part of programming. No better time to learn. ------------ |
Member #8,586
May 2007
Alright, got it working. Most of my errors were just due to copy+pasting and forgetting to change the things I was supposed to. Thanks for the tip on the debugging. I asked my brother for help in debugging, who just finished his sophomore year in college (computer science major) and oddly enough, he doesn't know how to read a debug screen either. Usually the help files in VS just remind you of syntax without actually explaining anything, but I'll give it a go. |
Goalie Ca
Member #2,579
July 2002
Quote: who just finished his sophomore year in college (computer science major) and oddly enough, he doesn't know how to read a debug screen either. Not strange at all. As far as i know they never "teach" anyone how to use a debugger and the students just end up using "printf" debugging. ------------- |
Jonatan Hedborg
Member #4,886
July 2004
Meh. I was taught how to use GDB at one of my uni courses.
Julian Guarin
Member #5,787
April 2005
Debugging is not only a matter of using a GNU/GDB interface or the M$ or the borland's one. Its also a matter of code. There are plenty of coding techniques in doing debugging. glibc, or the MFC or the C standard support functions and macros in order to make debugging. In our particular case, allegro also provides some basic routines for debugging your program. check the "debugging" session in the manual. And by the way I never was taught GDB in the university but thats shame because a lot of things about the processor and the system could be learned by the time. however : fprintf(stdout,"this s the greatest debugger ever %d\n",var); against what are you, hard to know it is, "You've been neglecting my chickens again, Gwydion. Feed them, and quickly!." |