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It's that time again: Java 4k contest |
Member #2,606
August 2002
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Yes, it's that time of year again. When some really amazing game developers try to fit as much game as they can into 4k of compressed java bytecode. There are some AMAZING games so far this year. And there are 2.75 months left in the competition.... The link above has threads to the games being entered so far. I should warn you that miners4k, speed4k, frag4k, and roll4k are quiet addictive and you'd never believe they were made in as little as 4096 bytes. Give em a try! JRE 1.4 required. |
Member #1,111
March 2001
Very cool. -- |
Member #2,606
August 2002
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Heh, I've spent at least 4 hours playing miners4k (it's a lemmings inspired game with little miners in search of gold) and I can't get past level 3. One of the other guys beat it and he said there are some growing slime monsters in the later levels that eat your little miner guys. This game is amazing. |
Member #2,905
November 2002
Damn cool, I'm considering joining with something. Are there any special tricks to reduce size to 4096 byte of compressed java byte code? That is, apart from keeping object orientation and number of classes to a minumum and generating procedural graphics. Do they use AWT for the graphics? (Swing generates larger files I would assume, I might be wrong though.) |
Member #2,606
August 2002
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It's hard to say exactly what everyone is doing. Like I'm using a jframe and a buffered image and doing my own double buffering, others are using the built in double buffering (getGraphicsConfiguration()), last year I made an applet. It's pretty free form. Here are some tips someone posted; Quote: Some hints: - Use only one class Good Luck
Member #2,905
November 2002
I'll be sure to join in! I have read the relevant threads on Javagaming as well, good that there is still lots of time. This will be my first game in Java, so it'll be a challenge! If you know of any noob tutorial for this special occasion which I could read I'm all eyes! |
Member #2,606
August 2002
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Here's a tip; use enableEvents() to poll the keyboard directly:
Here's a screen shot of my software renderer with flat shading in about 2.7k. Unfortunately I don't have alot of time over the next two weeks to do anything with it {"name":"j4k.png","src":"\/\/djungxnpq2nug.cloudfront.net\/image\/cache\/5\/7\/57c11edb8da189dd4ffc74b37e5baefe.png","w":343,"h":310,"tn":"\/\/djungxnpq2nug.cloudfront.net\/image\/cache\/5\/7\/57c11edb8da189dd4ffc74b37e5baefe"} |
Member #2,905
November 2002
Thanks! Yeah I already picked up the enableEvents() trick from the Pengo4k thread. It differs from your solution in that it uses int[] keys = new int[5]; as there are 5 different keys to consider, while you store every keycode in your int[] keys = new int[256]; array. I thought about why Pengo4k didn't do it the same way as you and currently use its way (as it was before I read this post), but perhaps I should change. Do you see any pros or cons with your / Pengo's method? Your method renders a bit cleaner code in the processKeyEvent method, but perhaps it results in larger jar-files? Also, how do you keep track of time? I hear that getTimeMillis() isn't to be trusted before Java v1.5, and as the competition requires v1.4.2 (or an earlier version) I'm in a pickle. Currently my render loop is of the form: while (isVisible()) { // PLACEHOLDER: Update game logic Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) strategy.getDrawGraphics(); // PLACEHOLDER: Draw graphics to g strategy.show(); Thread.sleep(10); } System.exit(0); // End the process as the application window is closed which may not be the nicest thing (unless my logic and drawing combined takes very little CPU-time I will get different frame rates on different hardware). And finally. Your screenshot looks great! I guess you are doing a Star Wars related shoot'em up game? Not having much time over the next two weeks can't hurt you that much? If I remember correctly the contest ends in February? |
Member #2,606
August 2002
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I think your code for keyevents may be smaller by a few bytes. I'm not at the point of scrounging for bytes yet, and when I do I'll have to check into that. Some of these people disassemble there code and tweak it with a java bytecode assembler. I'm not at that point yet! Yes, System.currentTimeMillis() can be pretty erratic; but on win2000 xp its usable. This is my current main loop: while (true) { if(System.currentTimeMillis()-dt > 10) { //Game logic, input, physics, etc go here dt = System.currentTimeMillis(); } paint(getGraphics()); } So I draw as fast as it'll go, but only update the game 100 times a second. It seems to run pretty smooth on my computer. |
Member #2,905
November 2002
I've done some things since my last post:
Your method of updating seems good, I'm using one where I do the logic updating and frame rendering at the same time. I'm going to implement some kind of 2D game, using as much procedurally generated graphics as possible. Do you know if there is any restriction in how much memory an applet can use? I want to store the generated graphics as lots of Image's or BufferedImage's. I might even add some sounds (something I've never done using Java), the only thing I know about sounds is that sound banks may not be used in the competition. What ever they are. |
Member #2,606
August 2002
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Heh, I had the only applet in last years contest. So far as I know there is no limit on memory usage in applets. Also, applets have the method getAudioClip() you can use to play midi, wav, and au files. You might look into using those. I have an idea on how to create ALOT of content for a sidescroller: 1) store a few tiles and sprites as byte arrays; for 16 colors tiles you can fit two pixels per byte, 4 colors can fit 4 pixels per (edit)byte. You can switch up colors by using different palletes. You could procedurally generate some tiles too by drawing into an image with gfx primitives (rects, circles etc...) 2) When you create the buffered image from the byte array multiply by a factor of two. This will give you an old school, low res pixelly style to your gfx. 3) Store tile map data in byte arrays using RLE (run length encoding) and decompress that into an int[] for your tile map. OR 4) Use 'bitmaps' of tiles and draw them into the tile map array; ie reuse one platform, reuse a platform with a ladder, reuse a palmtree top, whatever. I'm sure I could squeeze one hell of a lot of content using this method. The hardest part would be platformer physics. |
Member #1,786
December 2001
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How do you run these things? miners4k seems to be an xml file( .jlnp ). What do I do with that? |
Member #2,606
August 2002
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If you have java 1.4 plus and click on the link it should kick off webstart and ask you to download and run the application. Mozilla ask me to open with default application; I'd google for how to enable webstart on whatever platform your on. |
Member #1,786
December 2001
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Oh i figured it out. These games are cool! |
Member #2,905
November 2002
Quote: Also, applets have the method getAudioClip() you can use to play midi, wav, and au files. You might look into using those. I thought about generating the sound procedurally to, I guess it would take up some space as there might be lots of class references. But I'll look into it if I have any space left when I am done with the game (even a "boing" sound when jumping in a platform game would enhance the game a lot). Quote: I have an idea on how to create ALOT of content for a sidescroller: It would be interesing to see the result of your method. I suspect that it might prove not to be as effective as you think. That is the size of the compressed file, it probably won't compress your data as good if you store it in a way which is more space optimal. But as I said, interesting it would be! (Yoda talk tm) Quote: buffered image If you were in my situation. You need to be able to create bitmaps and process the pixels in these (I'm going to apply my own image effects, think "Blur"). Then use a number of these within the game for animations. Would you use Image or an BufferedImage then? (I am sure you are much better at Java than me, so I'm taking the opportunity to ask.) kazzmir said: Oh i figured it out. These games are cool!
Yes I agree, couldn't resist joining in. You should join as well! It would be fun with many allegroids in the compo. |
Member #2,606
August 2002
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Quote: I suspect that it might prove not to be as effective as you think. That is the size of the compressed file, it probably won't compress your data as good if you store it in a way which is more space optimal.
You may be right, but the real savings could come from not loading a file etc... and tile maps would be a lot of wasted space I'd use buffered images because they're automatically accelerated. Here's how to get the pixels: BufferedImage bb = new BufferedImage(400,400,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB ); int [] buffer = ((DataBufferInt)bb.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
Edit; and my plan is to implement the a game very similar to the original star wars arcade game in 4k; it's going to be TIGHT though. |
Member #2,905
November 2002
Thanks once more! BufferedImage's it is! Quote: Edit; and my plan is to implement the a game very similar to the original star wars arcade game in 4k; it's going to be TIGHT though. Are you going to have the Death Star in there as well? Like in the original arcade game. Sounds cool! My game: It's not going to be easy though, I have the game loop ready together with a small draw tilemap test. And I am already at 3024 byte size of my class file. I will be implementing in this order:
We will see if it will result in a finished game with the above qualities. Probably not, but I'll do my best. |
Felipe Maia
Member #6,190
September 2005
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Quote: And I am already at 3024 byte size of my class file. Compressed or uncompressed? Make sure you use a good ziper. I'm thinking in joining later and doing a litle christmas game, since there's a lot of time left. |
Member #2,905
November 2002
Uncompressed and with debug information, so I might have enough space to finish it as stated above. Quote: I'm thinking in joining later and doing a litle christmas game, since there's a lot of time left. Nice! I hope you will have time and feel like it later on. |
Member #2,374
May 2002
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2.75 months left, eh? |
Member #2,905
November 2002
Quote: 2.75 months left, eh? Seems like it. I think it's perfect with a long time span like this, not everyone can dedicate their time to game development for a couple of days. This way almost anyone have a chance of completing. |
Member #2,606
August 2002
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Quote: I guess they foresaw the amount of time one would need just to start the game all those times for the playtesting.
Har, har, har. In my entry last year I had about 7400 bytes kzip and jarg down to 4096. Proguard should go another 100 bytes below that. I only had about 1k of game logic, the rest was graphics. |
Member #2,905
November 2002
Har, har, har.
I thought I wouldn't feed it. Rash, if you use Eclipse like me it constantly compiles the game, so when I press "Run" I need to wait about 1/3 second before the game starts. It's certainly better than any C/C++ development environment I know of. But language wars are really boring, check nonnus29's sig for my opinion! Quote: In my entry last year I had about 7400 bytes kzip and jarg down to 4096. Proguard should go another 100 bytes below that. I only had about 1k of game logic, the rest was graphics.
That's nice, gives me some hope to finish the bomberman game then! [edit] BTW, I am DonaldEKnuth on javagaming. [edit2] Do you have any hint? I'm new to this stuff, I read in Sun's tutorial but it didn't help. Do you know how they want people to turn in their applets? (Most other people use webstart, but I've created an applet.) |
Member #2,606
August 2002
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I just stuck it on a geocities page and used the archive parameter in the applet tag: <applet code = G archive = "G.jar" width=400 height=400 > </applet>
Member #2,905
November 2002
Oh, nice! Thank you! This is what I have currently, I am creating a Sokoban clone: I have lots of bytes left, I am currently at 3174 bytes with:
I might add (strikethrough means done):