Introduced in 5.0.0
A voice represents an audio device on the system, which may be a real device, or an abstract device provided by the operating system. To play back audio, you would attach a mixer or sample or stream to a voice.
Examples: ex_acodec, ex_acodec_multi, ex_kcm_direct, ex_mixer_chain, ex_mixer_pp, ex_stream_file
Most helpful discussions:
- Creating Voice, Mixer and Sample Instance (1)
- Audio Stream: Seeking doesn't work
- Audio waveform with unexpected frequency behavior
- Audio seems overly complicated :(
- Delay when playing a sound effect using "al_play_sample"
- [A4/A5] Homemade Audio Primer
- [OSX 10.9] Audio somehow freezes program a few seconds on exit
- Possible inconsistency in the behavior of al_set_sample_instance_playing() ?
- Possible thread deadlock/hang in al_detach_voice() ?
- [A5] Repeating audio samples
Other recent discussions: