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Shader normalized coordinates. |
Member #17,055
March 2019
Hi Everyone, New member, so hello Just beginning with shaders but am struggling with this one problem. Everything following is in relation to basic 2D, no 3D required... If I draw a basic bitmap to the screen with a shader, how do I get access to the normalized (0.0 to 1.0) coordinates for just the bitmap, not the whole screen? I want to do something with the bitmap in relation to the position within it & mapping it's texture coordinates to range 0.0, 1.0 makes things simpler. It seems when Allegro gives you the texture coordinates for the bitmap, it is in relation to the screen size - say 1280 x 720. For example: The following code is how it is recommended to normalize within the fragment shader, but this does not work when trying the normalize a bitmap within a 1280x720 screen space: My simple shader just currently renders the texture normally: Vertex Shader: attribute vec4 al_pos; void main() Fragment Shader: uniform sampler2D al_tex; void main() Thank You if anybody is able to help. |
Chris Katko
Member #1,881
January 2002
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added <code> tags. vec2 xy = gl_FragCoord.xy; // get coords for the current pixel xy.x = xy.x / 1280; // divide the coords by the screen size xy.y = xy.y / 720;
1 vec4 al_pos;
2attribute vec2 al_texcoord;
3uniform mat4 al_projview_matrix;
4varying vec2 varying_texcoord;
6void main()
8varying_texcoord = al_texcoord;
9gl_Position = al_projview_matrix * al_pos;
12Fragment Shader:
14uniform sampler2D al_tex;
15varying vec2 varying_texcoord;
17void main()
19vec4 color = texture2D(al_tex, varying_texcoord);
20gl_FragColor = color;
-----sig: |
Edgar Reynaldo
Major Reynaldo
May 2007
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I'm confused. don't you just want al_texcoord? My Website! | EAGLE GUI Library Demos | My Deviant Art Gallery | Spiraloid Preview | A4 FontMaker | Skyline! (Missile Defense) Eagle and Allegro 5 binaries | Older Allegro 4 and 5 binaries | Allegro 5 compile guide |
Member #17,055
March 2019
Hi I read in a different thread the following: "Allegro texture coordinates are [0-bitmap_width], [0-bitmap_height]. This is different from the usual [0-1], [0-1] texture coordinates that you get with UV textures." So the following code lines are getting the correct color from the texture at the correct coord, but they are in [0-bitmap_width], [0-bitmap_height] scale. varying_texcoord = al_texcoord; If I wanted to shade the bitmap a certain way - like mapping the r,g components to a color according to its position on the bitmap, do I need normalized coordinates? Because rgb colors are mapped in the 0.0 to 1.0 range. gl_FragColor = vec4(r, g, 0.0, 1.0); Sorry if I am confusing things. Just started. Thanks. |
Edgar Reynaldo
Major Reynaldo
May 2007
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You can pass the texture width and height as uniforms and divide, which may work if your image is a single texture. Another option is to use gl_TexCoord[0].xy In your vertex shader : gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0; In your fragment shader : gl_FragColor = vec4(gl_TexCoord[0].x , gl_TexCoord[0].y , 0.0 , 1.0); I think this will work. It's using the older fixed pipeline though, which is bad if you're trying to use modern techniques. I attached a simple shader demo that shows how to vary the color of an image based on time. There's a static exe, source, a CB project, and a vertex and fragment shader. EDIT {"name":"611948","src":"\/\/djungxnpq2nug.cloudfront.net\/image\/cache\/d\/f\/df329f7cd0fe0754574e36794c7f3d23.png","w":802,"h":633,"tn":"\/\/djungxnpq2nug.cloudfront.net\/image\/cache\/d\/f\/df329f7cd0fe0754574e36794c7f3d23"} with this fragment shader : vec2 uv = gl_TexCoord[0].xy; gl_FragColor = vec4(uv.x , uv.y , texel.b , texel.a); Red increases from left to right with x and green increases from bottom to top with y on the texture. My Website! | EAGLE GUI Library Demos | My Deviant Art Gallery | Spiraloid Preview | A4 FontMaker | Skyline! (Missile Defense) Eagle and Allegro 5 binaries | Older Allegro 4 and 5 binaries | Allegro 5 compile guide |
Member #17,055
March 2019
Hi Edgar, Thank You. That works perfectly. gl_TexCoord[0] seems to have done the trick, even though it's deprecated? I really appreciate your help with this. Thanks |
Edgar Reynaldo
Major Reynaldo
May 2007
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albert69, no problem. Since you're new to shaders, you may want to check out some really great OpenGL shader tutorials to get yourself acquainted with them. My Website! | EAGLE GUI Library Demos | My Deviant Art Gallery | Spiraloid Preview | A4 FontMaker | Skyline! (Missile Defense) Eagle and Allegro 5 binaries | Older Allegro 4 and 5 binaries | Allegro 5 compile guide |