Locking bitmap is slower than not (?) |
Member #15,215
July 2013
Im trying to draw text and primitives to the screen. This is my current drawing function: 1
2ALLEGRO_VERTEX *vertices;
4// ... calculate triangle points and save them to "vertices";
8al_lock_bitmap(al_get_target_bitmap(), ALLEGRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_ANY, 0); // The current target bitmap is the display back buffer
10al_draw_prim(vertices, null, null, 0, size, ALLEGRO_PRIM_TRIANGLE_LIST); // Draw triangles
11al_draw_filled_rectangle(600, 0, 660, 660, al_map_rgb(255,255,255)); // Draw a rectangle
15al_draw_text(myfont, BLACK, 10, 10, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_LEFT, "TESTING");
When I draw around 180 000 triangles, Im getting 25FPS while locking the bitmap. But if I comment both the lock and unlock functions, Im getting ~60FPS ! I must be doing something terrible wrong with my drawing process (?). What's the correct order to draw and lock the bitmap ?. Furthermore, why cant I clear the display with al_clear_to_color or write text to it when it is locked ? Thanks a lot. |
Edgar Reynaldo
Major Reynaldo
May 2007
Short answer is, you don't need to lock the bitmap except for direct memory access, and you shouldn't. The Manual : Graphics said: Note: While a bitmap is locked, you can not use any drawing operations on it (with the sole exception of al_put_pixel and al_put_blended_pixel). Basically, Allegro will lock the bitmap when it needs to, so you don't have to worry about it yourself, unless you're doing a lot of direct memory access. My Website! | EAGLE GUI Library Demos | My Deviant Art Gallery | Spiraloid Preview | A4 FontMaker | Skyline! (Missile Defense) Eagle and Allegro 5 binaries | Older Allegro 4 and 5 binaries | Allegro 5 compile guide |
Member #12,636
March 2011
What you might be confusing locking the bitmap with is holding the bitmap drawing as per https://www.allegro.cc/manual/5/al_hold_bitmap_drawing. Locking is indeed only for direct access and hence, slows down drawing, but holding bitmap drawing can enhance performance if done right. Another way is to use possibly improve performance is the primitives functions. |
Gideon Weems
Member #3,925
October 2003
Member #9,729
April 2008