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Player class not recognized
Member #15,917
March 2015

Here are my errors:

1>------ Build started: Project: Dem Bones, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
1> skeleton.cpp
1>..\..\shell\shell\skeleton.cpp(45): error C2065: 'Player' : undeclared identifier
1>..\..\shell\shell\skeleton.cpp(45): error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'player'
1>..\..\shell\shell\skeleton.cpp(45): error C2065: 'player' : undeclared identifier
1> player.cpp
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

Here's skeleton.cpp:

1 #include<allegro5/allegro.h> 2 #include<allegro5/allegro_primitives.h> 3 #include<allegro5/allegro_image.h> 4 #include<allegro5/allegro_audio.h> 5 #include<allegro5/allegro_acodec.h> 6 #include<iostream> 7 #include<fstream> 8#include"entity.h" 9#include"player.h" 10#include"globals.h" 11 using namespace std; 12 13 int main() 14 { 15 float gameTime = 0; 16 int frames = 0; 17 int gameFPS = 0; 18 if(!(al_init())) 19 cout << "Couldn't initialize Allegro." << cout; 20 if(!(al_install_joystick())) 21 cout << "Couldn't install joystick." << endl; 22 al_init_image_addon(); 23 al_init_primitives_addon(); 24 ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *display = NULL; 25 display = al_create_display(1280,720); 26 ALLEGRO_BITMAP* bkgd; 27 bkgd = al_load_bitmap("bkgd.pcx"); 28 ALLEGRO_EVENT_QUEUE *event_queue = NULL; 29 event_queue = al_create_event_queue(); 30 if(!event_queue) 31 cout << "al_create_event_queue failed." << endl; 32 ALLEGRO_TIMER *timer; 33 timer = al_create_timer(1.0/60); 34 al_register_event_source(event_queue, al_get_timer_event_source(timer)); 35 gameTime = al_current_time(); 36 al_register_event_source(event_queue, al_get_joystick_event_source()); 37 ALLEGRO_JOYSTICK* joy = al_get_joystick(0); 38 ALLEGRO_JOYSTICK_STATE jst; 39 //~ buttons button; 40 direction dir = RIGHT; 41 bool alive = true; 42 bool render=false; 43 al_start_timer(timer); 44 int x = 0, y = -720; 45 Player player; 46 while(alive) 47 { 48 ALLEGRO_EVENT ev; 49 al_wait_for_event(event_queue, &ev); 50 al_get_joystick_state(joy, &jst); 51 if (ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_JOYSTICK_AXIS) 52 { 53 if (((jst.stick[2].axis[0] == 0) && (jst.stick[2].axis[1] == 0)) || ((jst.stick[1].axis[0] == 0) && (jst.stick[1].axis[1] == 0)) || ((jst.stick[3].axis[0] == 0) && (jst.stick[0].axis[1] == 0))) 54 dir = NONE; 55 if (((jst.stick[2].axis[0] == 1) && (jst.stick[2].axis[1] == 0)) || ((jst.stick[1].axis[0] == 1) && (jst.stick[1].axis[1] == 0)) || ((jst.stick[3].axis[0] == 1) && (jst.stick[0].axis[1] == 0))) 56 dir = RIGHT; 57 if (((jst.stick[2].axis[0] == -1) && (jst.stick[2].axis[1] == 0)) || ((jst.stick[1].axis[0] == -1) && (jst.stick[1].axis[1] == 0)) || ((jst.stick[3].axis[0] == -1) && (jst.stick[0].axis[1] == 0))) 58 dir = LEFT; 59 } 60 //~ if (ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_DOWN) 61 //~ if (jst.button[9]) 62 //~ button = NINE; 63 //update 64 else if (ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_TIMER) 65 { 66 render = true; 67 68 69 if (dir == LEFT) 70 { 71 72 } 73 if (dir == RIGHT) 74 { 75 76 } 77 78 if (al_current_time() - gameTime >= 1) 79 { 80 gameTime = al_current_time(); 81 gameFPS = frames; 82 frames = 0; 83 } 84 } 85 86 //render 87 if (render && al_is_event_queue_empty(event_queue)) 88 { 89 //~ al_set_target_bitmap(al_get_backbuffer(display)); 90 91 al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb_f(0,0,0)); 92 al_draw_bitmap(bkgd, x, y, 0); 93 al_flip_display(); 94 95 96 } 97 98 if (jst.button[9]) 99 alive = false; 100 } 101 //~ al_destroy_bitmap(image); 102 al_destroy_timer(timer); 103 al_destroy_event_queue(event_queue); 104 return 0; 105 }

Here's player.cpp:

1#include "entity.h" 2#include"player.h" 3#include<allegro5\allegro5.h> 4 5void Player::Initialize(int x, int y, int velX, int velY, ALLEGRO_BITMAP* image) 6{ 7 mX = x; 8 mY = y; 9 mVelX = velX; 10 mVelY = velY; 11 mImage = image; 12 idle = true; 13 dying = false; 14 injured = false; 15 jumping = false; 16 falling = false; 17 shooting = false; 18 idleForward = true; 19 tint = false; 20 flipped = false; 21 r = 1; 22 g = 0; 23 b = 0; 24 transparency = 0; 25 frame = 0; 26 count = 0; 27} 28 29void Player::Update() 30{ 31 if (idle) 32 { 33 if (count == 5) 34 { 35 if (idleForward) 36 { 37 if (frame == 2) 38 { 39 frame--; 40 count = 0; 41 idleForward = false; 42 } 43 else 44 { 45 frame++; 46 count = 0; 47 } 48 } 49 else 50 { 51 if (frame = 0) 52 { 53 frame++; 54 count = 0; 55 idleForward = true; 56 } 57 else 58 { 59 frame--; 60 count = 0; 61 } 62 } 63 } 64 count++; 65 } 66 67} 68 69void Player::Render() 70{ 71 if (tint) 72 if (flipped) 73 al_draw_tinted_bitmap_region(mImage, al_map_rgba_f(r, g, b, transparency), (frame * 256), 0, 256, 256, mX, mY, ALLEGRO_FLIP_HORIZONTAL); 74 else 75 al_draw_tinted_bitmap_region(mImage, al_map_rgba_f(r, g, b, transparency), (frame * 256), 0, 256, 256, mX, mY, 0); 76 else 77 if (flipped) 78 al_draw_bitmap_region(mImage, (frame * 256), 0, 256, 256, mX, mY, ALLEGRO_FLIP_HORIZONTAL); 79 else 80 al_draw_bitmap_region(mImage, (frame * 256), 0, 256, 256, mX, mY, 0); 81}

What is it I'm missing here? :(

Member #11,410
October 2009

Could you post player.h your error relates to C++ not recognizing Player class, so odds are it did not compile correctly (header).

Member #15,917
March 2015

Sure. Here's player.h:

1#pragma once 2#include "entity.h" 3#include<allegro5\allegro.h> 4 5class Player: public Entity 6{ 7private: 8 bool idle, dying, injured, jumping, falling, shooting, idleForward, tint, flipped; 9 float r, g, b, transparency; 10 int frame, count, mX, mY, mVelX, mVelY, mWidth, mHeight; 11 ALLEGRO_BITMAP* mImage[3]; 12 13public: 14 void Initialize(int x, int y, int velX, int velY, ALLEGRO_BITMAP* image[3]); 15 void Update(); 16 void Render(); 17 bool collide(int collideX, int collideY, int width, int height); 18 int getVelX(){return mVelX;} 19 int getVelY(){return mVelY;} 20};

Here's entity.h:

#pragma once

class Entity
  virtual void Initialize() = 0;
  virtual void Update() = 0;
  virtual void Render() = 0;

Member #11,410
October 2009

I don't know if it makes a difference in this case but could you try adding virtual to those 3 methods in Player?

virtual void Initialize(int x, int y, int velX, int velY, ALLEGRO_BITMAP* image[3]);
virtual void Update(); 
virtual void Render();

I'm thinking maybe without the virtual, it does not register with the vtable and still considers Player as abstract.


Looks like your way is correct

Not sure what's wrong.

Member #15,917
March 2015

Yeah, it was saying it was abstract after I worked on it a bit, then I tried void virtual instead of virtual void without the = 0 at the end. That seemed to work. Thanks anyways! :)

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