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[A5] Setting Path Values for Android
Eric Johnson
Member #14,841
January 2013

Hello. I'm having issues with finding paths in an Android project of mine. Here's my path-setting function:

void SetResourcePath(const char *k_resources_directory) {

    ALLEGRO_PATH *path = al_get_standard_path(ALLEGRO_RESOURCES_PATH);

    al_append_path_component(path, k_resources_directory);
    al_change_directory(al_path_cstr(path, '/'));


The directory of my resources is ./assets, which I call by SetResourcePath("assets"). Well, it's not working on Android. Is there any particular reason as to why this is?

Also, I can't seem to get my Android project to compile with my own directories. For example, I want to have a "potatoes" directory, so I throw the directory into the project, but it doesn't compile with it. It does, however, compile with an "assets" directory. Why is that?

Thomas Fjellstrom
Member #476
June 2000

Yeah, its been a while since i last played with those things, but I'm not sure you can get to the actual app resources with ALLEGRO_RESOURCES_PATH. Try ALLEGRO_USER_DATA_PATH.

Sheegoth said:

Also, I can't seem to get my Android project to compile with my own directories. For example, I want to have a "potatoes" directory, so I throw the directory into the project, but it doesn't compile with it. It does, however, compile with an "assets" directory. Why is that?

I think its because Android has a specific package layout that you need to stick to.

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Eric Johnson
Member #14,841
January 2013

Edit (13.09.06 at 13:43 PST)
I believe I've found a solution, but have met yet another obstacle. Please view this forum post. :)

Edit (13.09.06 at 16:00 PST) In Ubuntu, the sources can be procured just fine, but when thrown onto Android in an APK, it can't seem to find the assets directory. Below is some code I threw together quite quickly to swift through the file-path options and to stop upon finally procuring the image file. It always lands on ALLEGRO_RESOURCES_PATH when in Ubuntu, but never finds it at all when in an APK. Thoughts? :o <code name="LoadResources"> // =========================================================================== // Procure and initate game-related resources and objects // =========================================================================== void Thaed::LoadResources(void) { while (true) { static int s_i = 0; // Attempt to procure the file in question b = al_load_bitmap("player.png"); if (!b) { // Cycle through the next path phase if bitmap wasn't procured BombuSetResourceDirectory(s_i, "assets"); } else break; // Bitmap was procured, so end the loop cout << "Checking " << s_i << "...\n"; ++s_i; if (s_i > 5) break; // We're only checking six paths } } </code> <code name="BombuSetResourceDirectory"> // =========================================================================== // Redirect the current working directory to the resource directory // =========================================================================== void Bombu::BombuSetResourceDirectory(const int k_what, const char *k_directory) { ALLEGRO_PATH *path; switch (k_what) { case 0: path = al_get_standard_path(ALLEGRO_USER_HOME_PATH); break; case 1: path = al_get_standard_path(ALLEGRO_USER_SETTINGS_PATH); break; case 2: path = al_get_standard_path(ALLEGRO_USER_DOCUMENTS_PATH); break; case 3: path = al_get_standard_path(ALLEGRO_RESOURCES_PATH); break; case 4: path = al_get_standard_path(ALLEGRO_EXENAME_PATH); break; case 5: path = al_get_standard_path(ALLEGRO_USER_DATA_PATH); break; default: path = al_get_standard_path(ALLEGRO_USER_HOME_PATH); break; } // Reroute the current working directory al_append_path_component(path, k_directory); al_change_directory(al_path_cstr(path, '/')); cout << al_path_cstr(path, '/') << endl; // Remove path from memory now that the directories are in working order al_destroy_path(path); } </code>

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