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Ok, so this MAY get trolled out of hand.....BUT
Member #1,134
March 2001

Stas, you may want to look over your posts again, mindful of the discussion about your attitude in the other thread. Regardless of who's right and who's wrong (I honestly don't even know what you guys are arguing about anymore), you're coming across as a complete twat.

Software Development == Church Development
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Stas B.
Member #9,615
March 2008

It is just that most the guys here could tell instantly I was trolling


Specter Phoenix
Member #1,425
July 2001

Stas, you may want to look over your posts again, mindful of the discussion about your attitude in the other thread. Regardless of who's right and who's wrong (I honestly don't even know what you guys are arguing about anymore), you're coming across as a complete twat.

He didn't like my point of view on this topic and told me to GTFO, which as you know just makes me start trolling that person. Apparently he is coming across as that because he is a complete twat who has a limited vocabulary as shown by his obsession for using pictures to talk for him. Didn't think it was possible, but he is actually coming across more childish than me :o.

Stas B.
Member #9,615
March 2008

you're coming across as a complete twat.

Apparently he is coming across as that because he is a complete twat



which as you know just makes me start trolling that person

Let's all just assume people who consistently act and talk dumb are simply clever and consistent trolls.

Member #7,536
July 2006

Specter Phoenix
Member #1,425
July 2001



I think you meant to put Stas_B_--; as I seem to recall you saying in one of my troll threads or on IRC (and mind you this is paraphrasing) that only dumb@sses keep replying to threads after a person admits to trolling. Yet, there you have Stas B. continually replying to my trolling remarks.

Stas B. said:

Let's all just assume people who consistently act and talk dumb are simply clever and consistent trolls.

Assumption is the mother of all f*ck-ups. Seems you like to be consistent with making your self look bad. Guess you have pride in being a d!ck too.

Stas B.
Member #9,615
March 2008

Yet, there you have Stas B. continually replying to my trolling remarks.

Say it a few more times, you know, just in case someone reads your post and thinks you're just really stupid. :-*


Seems you like to be consistent with making your self look bad.


Yeah, make it easy for me and just keep talking.

Member #7,536
July 2006

Neil Roy
Member #2,229
April 2002

This is such a great type of discussion. ;D, it's been a few years since I last took part in this lynching.

I believe in God though. I feel the evidence of intelligent design can be seen by looking in the mirror, the brain for example and how incredibly complex it is, let alone the rest of the human body.

Like atheists, I don't like most of the churches out there, I feel that almost every thing the Catholics teach is the opposite of the truth.

I told my father, who is an atheist, we'll all find out the truth in the end. If he's right and there is no God, I'll never know, but if I am right and there is...

Other than stating my beliefs, I'll pass on getting sucked into this type of discussion again. I think I have upset both atheists and Catholics now, so my job is done. :D

“I love you too.” - last words of Wanda Roy

Member #7,536
July 2006

Neil Roy said:

I told my father, who is an atheist, we'll all find out the truth in the end. If he's right and there is no God, I'll never know, but if I am right and there is...

Hopefully your god is too incompetent to recognize that you're weighing the consequences. :D


Neil Roy
Member #2,229
April 2002

To be honest, I personally do not weigh them like that, it just sounded like a good way of wording it at the time.

My usual response is that I do not believe in God at all. I know He exists. To me personally anyhow, I have come to a point in my life where it is no longer a doubt in my mind.

I would explain my reasons why in more detail, but I've been through that before in here, so I'll pass.

As others have stated in a couple threads, not all Christians "believe" the same. I usually can end up in an argument with other Christians just as easily as I can with Atheists as I can't stand most of the religious institutions of this world, but a "belief" in God doesn't require you to subscribe to any of their doctrines. If you examine religious institutions like Evangelism and Catholics you'll find a lot of what they practice comes from paganism and not their bible at all.

I don't celebrate Easter or Christmas for example.

But I've said too much already, I find it difficult to stay out of these discussions as I love a decent discussion about God and such, but not the kind I see in here. :)

There is one point I would like to make before I exit this thread and that is that I constantly see Atheists accuse Christians of being inflexible in their beliefs, but aren't Atheists the exact same way? This is why these "arguments" are pointless, each side thinks the other is irrational and inflexible.

“I love you too.” - last words of Wanda Roy

Thomas Fjellstrom
Member #476
June 2000

Neil Roy said:

This is why these "arguments" are pointless, each side thinks the other is irrational and inflexible.

Only the extremists are.

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"If you can't think of a better solution, don't try to make a better solution." -- weapon_S
"The less evidence we have for what we believe is certain, the more violently we defend beliefs against those who don't agree" --

Neil Roy
Member #2,229
April 2002

Or they label the other side "extremists" for not changing their point of view. :D

“I love you too.” - last words of Wanda Roy

Arthur Kalliokoski
Second in Command
February 2005

We need some Muslims in here to balance it out with what they "know" to be true. OTOH, they'd probably bomb our houses instead of just flaming in threads.

They all watch too much MSNBC... they get ideas.

Thomas Fjellstrom
Member #476
June 2000

Neil Roy said:

Or they label the other side "extremists" for not changing their point of view.

I'm talking about the extremists on both sides. Who talk about nothing but absolutes and never even once try to consider the other side's point lest it conflict with their deeply held beliefs, and maybe, just maybe make them think a little.

Thomas Fjellstrom - [website] - [email] - [Allegro Wiki] - [Allegro TODO]
"If you can't think of a better solution, don't try to make a better solution." -- weapon_S
"The less evidence we have for what we believe is certain, the more violently we defend beliefs against those who don't agree" --

Arthur Kalliokoski
Second in Command
February 2005

Actually I have several beliefs which would be considered quite irrational by just about everybody, but I'm careful to keep them to myself, since I have so many stories of real life that nobody can swallow either.

They all watch too much MSNBC... they get ideas.

Member #1,134
March 2001

Only the extremists are.

I would love to see who you think are the non-extremists here ...

Software Development == Church Development
Step 1. Build it.
Step 2. Pray.

Arthur Kalliokoski
Second in Command
February 2005

I would love to see who you think are the non-extremists here ...

All the thousands of members who didn't bother to post?

They all watch too much MSNBC... they get ideas.

Thomas Fjellstrom
Member #476
June 2000

What he said ;D

I try hard not to be an absolutist. I have such disdain for it that I fight against it. That said, I can't guarantee I'm 100% free of such things. I am human after all.

Thomas Fjellstrom - [website] - [email] - [Allegro Wiki] - [Allegro TODO]
"If you can't think of a better solution, don't try to make a better solution." -- weapon_S
"The less evidence we have for what we believe is certain, the more violently we defend beliefs against those who don't agree" --

Member #1,134
March 2001

What he said

I was going to say that but refrained, because of ...


I try hard not to be an absolutist.

... that. :) "If you post at all, you're an extremist" seems ... extreme. :)

Software Development == Church Development
Step 1. Build it.
Step 2. Pray.

Neil Roy
Member #2,229
April 2002

I'll be the first to admit I am not flexible when it comes to my beliefs. But I do enjoy science. There are just certain scientific ideas that I dismiss. It's not always due to my beliefs. I don't ignore new ideas, I just don't subscribe to some of them because I don't see any solid evidence to back them up, just a lot of theories which somehow turn into fact over time when repeated enough. I see flaws in the logic and so I dismiss them. As I told my wife one time, even if I didn't believe in God, some of these theories I have heard I wouldn't subscribe to anyhow, I just wouldn't know what to believe. I have examined my own beliefs intelligently, for the past 30 years in fact and I just cannot escape the fact that there has to be an all powerful being I label God that designed everything. There is just too much evidence in the human body alone to dismiss. Who made God? Nobody, he has always existed. People tend to think in absolute terms, everything has a beginning and an end is the common misconception but in fact, everything has always existed. Even me, the matter that makes up who I am now has always existed, but in different forms. It didn't pop out of nowhere, it's a complex process involving all the food and drink and anything else I have ingested in my lifetime that has been converted into who I am today, before me it was an apple, a grape... before that it was nutrients in the soil that helped the seed grow, that made the apple tree, that made the apple, that I ate and helped me grow etc.... matter has always existed so the idea that some all powerful being has always existed as well, suddenly doesn't seem like a "stupid" idea at all to me, in fact, it makes perfect sense.

I have arrived at my beliefs logically. I don't know how God does things, no more than I know how people in this forum do things that I cannot see. But I think that science has discovered how God has designed the universe, after all, as Einstein discovered, all matter is energy, I find that alone fascinating. That energy came from somewhere, and it has always existed, unless of course you believe it spontaneously popped into existence. :)

I hope this explains why I believe the way I do without getting into details on specific theories I disagree with that would only lead to nasty arguments. ;)

“I love you too.” - last words of Wanda Roy

Member #2,030
March 2002

Neil Roy said:

I just cannot escape the fact that there has to be an all powerful being I label God that designed everything. There is just too much evidence in the human body alone to dismiss.

Do tell! :)

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Neil Roy
Member #2,229
April 2002

I already did tell, a few years back. Maybe the old posts still exist, I see no reason to bore people with repeating myself. :P

“I love you too.” - last words of Wanda Roy

Arthur Kalliokoski
Second in Command
February 2005

Since chimpanzees share 99% of our chromosomes, do they have a 99% chance of being designed by God? Or did God stop just short of perfection?

They all watch too much MSNBC... they get ideas.

Dizzy Egg
Member #10,824
March 2009

Maybe Evolution got to 99%, then God made man in his own image (using an ape as a template/base).

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