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Member #7,536
July 2006

I work for a software company located above a greyhound bus depot. I just went to grab some donuts and chocolate milk from the coffee shop next to the garage and I met Her sister walking towards me (of course she went way around me to avoid any actual words or eye contact)... Now my mind is racing and I'm shaking uncontrollably...


She goes away to school and comes back for summer every year so She rides the buses a few times each year... Last year I hoped I would see Her sometime while we were still talking... Now that we're not talking it's more or less just frustrating, upsetting, and painful to be reminded of Her... I try to get over Her, but all it takes is something to remind me of Her and I'm right back where I started... :-/ It usually takes no more then seeing the same make/model as Her parents drive to make my heart race and my hands shake... Seeing Her sister is quite a lot worse.

She could be on the bus in the parking lot 100 feet away... She could even be beneath me in the actual greyhound station... :-/ The music I'm listening to was already painful and now I feel broken again...

Why are women evil? ???

Member #6,152
August 2005

This is one of those situations where "tough love" is the best advice. At least, it seems like your relationship with she-woman is either so messed up it's unrepairable or the shift has recently taken place. In either scenario, the best advice is to punch yourself in the stomach really hard (I'm not joking) and tell yourself to move on as quickly as possible, as hard as that may seem. Posting cry-faces on threads and "venting" isn't going to do anything but share your pain and probably will resolve very little of your actual emotions.

Memories will remain and you'll have regrets (unless you repress or get amnesia). That is not a saying, that is a fact of life.

------------ | My Tech Blog: The Digital Helm

Member #88
April 2000


Why are women evil?

You could be evil and go after her sister.

Graphic file formats used to fascinate me, but now I find them rather satanic.

Member #6,152
August 2005


You could be evil and go after her sister.

Maybe he already did? Hence the thread...

------------ | My Tech Blog: The Digital Helm

Member #7,536
July 2006


...Damn it. :-[

Onewing said:

...the best advice is to punch yourself in the stomach really hard (I'm not joking) and tell yourself to move on as quickly as possible, as hard as that may seem.

That is probably my best option. I say again, why are women evil? :-/

Member #1,548
September 2001

Emotions are for the weak and only cause problems, toughen up.

Member #1,816
January 2002

Ok Mr Spock ::)

Richard Phipps
Member #1,632
November 2001

Repressing emotions is probably worse.

Ceagon Xylas
Member #5,495
February 2005

It is, but realizing that relationships don't mean everything isn't. ;D

Ooo, maybe I'm just being hermitical.

Member #1,134
March 2001

What's with the bolding?

Software Development == Church Development
Step 1. Build it.
Step 2. Pray.

Member #7,536
July 2006

Member #302
April 2000

Dude, been there, done that, got the t-shirt. It'll pass. It might take a couple of years but it will. :)

You don't deserve my sig.

Member #4,069
November 2003

If you're not exposed directly, it will pass really quick. Just don't think about her. Or think about her, but tell yourself that it doesn't have any chance - let your rational thinking prevail over your fellings. There will be many others. Plus if she doesn't show interest in you, maybe she doesn't desrve you. Trust me I'm familiar with your actual state, more than I'd like :-/

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"Final Fantasy XIV, I feel that anything I could say will be repeating myself, so I'm just gonna express my feelings with a strangled noise from the back of my throat. Graaarghhhh..." - Yahtzee
"Uhm... this is Did you honestly think this thread WOULDN'T be derailed and ruined?" - BAF
"You can discuss it, you can dislike it, you can disagree with it, but that's all what you can do with it"

Neil Black
Member #7,867
October 2006

I have never met a girl that liked me cries

Queen of the Universe
June 2003

She hasn't done anything evil by showing up in her/your town.

You need to make yourself get over her, because in your case, I don't think that it's simply a matter of time healing wounds. Go to school, go to work, get involved in some volunteer activities, make the extra effort to keep in touch with old and new friends, and get another job if you find that you still have time to think about her. Seriously.

Doing these things will allow you to meet lots of different people, and you will realize how much better off you are when you don't waste time thinking your past with her. She has moved on, and now it's your turn to be strong and get on with your life. You are missing all kinds of opportunities by wallowing in self-pity.

You got some serious relationship advice from me... You oughta be grateful and take it because it's rare!

EDIT: Just read the post you linked to. You mean to say that you never actually dated?... She was a friend all along ??? You need to toughen up! If you can't handle a friendship gone wrong, how will you handle a real break up or even tough relationship situations? Don't you want to be "dateable"?

You!!... Off my planet!!

Member #6,203
September 2005


I have never met a girl that liked me cries

I've met girls that like me, and I've liked girls that I've met. Only had the rare check mark in both columns once, (right now) and I'm fearing that I'm fucking it all up, but that's a post for another thread. (maybe, eventually)

Also, if I've learned one thing, it's to not take anyone's relationship advice. It's better to just respond as you would normally. You're the one dating (or not dating) person X, not your advice-giving friend.

Member #7,536
July 2006

wearetheborg said:

She hasn't done anything evil by showing up in her/your town.

The evil came before that. However, without closure on it everytime I'm reminded of Her I'm still filled with the emotion of it all unable to actually "get over it". She knowingly refused me that closure and felt no remorse doing so. Then again, She's a Christian so She's in the clear because I'm sure God forgives Her. ::)

wearetheborg said:

...make the extra effort to keep in touch with old and new friends,...

My old friends are Her friends. They don't talk to me anymore. I'm also anti-social so meeting new people is a challenge, to say the least.

wearetheborg said:

...and get another job if you find that you still have time to think about her.

I'm already too exhausted to do anything useful with my time.

wearetheborg said:

She has moved on,...

She had nothing to move on from. It was never any skin off Her nose.

wearetheborg said:

You got some serious relationship advice from me... You oughta be grateful and take it because it's rare!

I appreciate it. ;D However, without knowing the whole story it's more or less just everybody's general advice. "Get over it," "move on," blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Nobody ever really does it. They bottle their emotions and either change to an unhealthy relationship state of mistreating others or they eventually get distracted by another somebody and start the whole thing over again.

The real advice is that there is no real cure. There will never be resolution and this pain will never really heal. If I'm lucky I'll find a beautiful girl that's blind enough to get involved with me to distract me from my wounds.

Either way, I'll breathe in, breathe out, and put one foot in front of the other. And it doesn't really matter. :)

Member #6,203
September 2005

By the way, this is probably good fuel for an emo song. You should write some lyrics and hook up with a band. ++chicks

Matthew Leverton
Supreme Loser
January 1999

It's quite disturbing to see that you boldface all references to her. I would lock yourself into a mental institution and ask that they throw away the keys.

Member #6,152
August 2005


It's quite disturbing to see that you boldface all references to her.

Not to mention the thread title...

------------ | My Tech Blog: The Digital Helm

Member #3,035
December 2002

In the past people used to say "you cry like a little girl". Now it seems that the crying is more of a masculine activity. Sad, shy, and not very bright males. :'(


Member #2,981
December 2002


Then again, She's a Christian so She's in the clear because I'm sure God forgives Her.

You offered a stereotype so I have to bite:

That is the stupidest thing I've heard said about Christianity lately. ::)

Member #4,355
February 2004


It's quite disturbing to see that you boldface all references to her.

I think I'm gonna have to agree...

Relationships fail, it's an unfortunate fact of life. Basically, listen to wearetheborg.

Member #4,069
November 2003



It's quite disturbing to see that you boldface all references to her.

I think I'm gonna have to agree...

Yep, me agrees too.


Nobody ever really does it.

Sorry to mess up your day, but everybody does that, except emo kids. And you don't want to be emo kid, do you?

Actually that advice Diana gave you, and so everybody else, was the best advice you could get. It's truth and it really helps. All you need to do is let your rational thinking get over your emotions. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.


They bottle their emotions and either change to an unhealthy relationship state of mistreating others or they eventually get distracted by another somebody and start the whole thing over again.

Maybe some time after the break up. But as time passes (month at most) they forget about that. Or as you said they find somebody else. But that's it, if you find somebody else, you'll forget the past and after some time, you'll look at that person from different point of view.

[My website][CppReference][Pixelate][Allegators worldwide][Who's online]
"Final Fantasy XIV, I feel that anything I could say will be repeating myself, so I'm just gonna express my feelings with a strangled noise from the back of my throat. Graaarghhhh..." - Yahtzee
"Uhm... this is Did you honestly think this thread WOULDN'T be derailed and ruined?" - BAF
"You can discuss it, you can dislike it, you can disagree with it, but that's all what you can do with it"

Member #5,731
April 2005

Where's Linkin Park when you need them ?


piccolo: "soon all new 2d alegro games will be better. after i finsh my MMRPG. my game will serve as a code reference. so you can understand and grab code from."
piccolo: "just wait until my invetion comes out its going to take the wii to the next leave of game play. it will run sony and microsoft out of busness if i dont let them use it aswell."

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