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Allegro 5.2.7 released!
It's time for another fresh installment of Allegro 5 people! See the release thread for the changelog and to get links to download binaries! Allegro 5.2.4 released! ;)
Get your fresh copies of Allegro 5.2.4 from the release thread! See the changelist and grab allegro hot off the press today! TINS competition Oct 20-23 2017
Your favorite 72-hour game jam will be returning again in 2017. TINS will be held this year between Oct 20 and Oct 23. Mark the date in your agenda! For an introduction, see: Registration is open. Head over to, register or log in, and click "Join a competiton" to join. Allegro 5.2.1 released!
A new release of Allegro is now available. Allegro.pas 5.2.alpha-2 released
There are a lot of work to be done yet, but I did several big improvements so I've just uploaded a new release. In short: There are several bugfixing, including (but not limited to) the primitives add-on that didn't work in previous versions. There are new functionality too, as 3D transformations and custom memory management. Also I added new examples and updated some other to supply the lack of documentation. You can download it from Any comment and suggestion will be welcome. Allegro.pas 5.2.alpha released!
A new Alpha release of Allegro.pas has been released today. This one goes forward version 5.2. It still doesn't implement the whole Allegro 5 API but it is more stable and has more documentation, examples and functions than previous one. I didn't test it but should work on Delphi. Download link: TINS competition May 13-16 2016
TINS is a speedhack-like 72-hour game programming competition that will be held this year between May 13 and May 16. For an introduction, see: Registration is now officially open. Head over to, log in, and click "Join a competiton" to join. Allegro.pas 4.4.5 released
After almost 3 years, a new version of the Allegro.pas game library is available from its download page. This version has some API modifications, as well as a lot of improvements that makes it faster (and sometimes smaller) executables. Most important changes from version 4.4.4 below:
Also note that in near future I'll move TRUNK to BRANCHES/4.4, and BRANCHES/5.0 to TRUNK. This doesn't mean that I'll forget version 4.4: I'll update it if I find bugs or somebody sends me interesting patches or additions, but it's time to take version 5.0 seriously. Enjoy! SpeedHack 2015 is coming soon!
There are less than two weeks left until SpeedHack 2015 arrives! Brush up on your coding and allegro skills and prepare to battle it out with your fellow allegroids for the prestige and honor of the title of SpeedHack champion 2015! The official competition starts June 26th, at Noon UTC on Friday until the following Monday at Noon. You have 72 hours to hack together a program using Allegro. For an introduction to what SpeedHack is, see the official intro page here : Follow along with the SpeedHack thread on for more details, and the announcement of the upcoming registration. Best of luck to everyone brave enough to enter! And don't worry about creating a masterpiece. The spirit of the competition is simply to see what you can do with Allegro given a single weekend to code in. Cheers! Allegro 5.0.11 stable version released!
The stable version of Allegro 5.0.11 has been released. See the release thread for details, and download the sources here. Enjoy! |
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