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Running old Allegro games
Member #119
April 2000

One of my favorite all-time games in Allegro is Overgod. I thought I would try to run it, although I didn't expect much success on my Windows 11 machine. Surprisingly, it would launch after I configured it manually to launch in 800x600 instead of 640x480. There was no sound though.

I thought, do people use VMs? This seems like an XP-era game. I saw Hyper-V doesn't support XP. It looks like people say to use VirtualBox, but it looks like maybe that's not trivial since Hyper-V is probably enabled on my Windows for various reasons. What's the best route to try to run old Allegro games?

(I suppose one option I didn't even think of is to try to recompile the game using the latest Allegro version, but it's probably an Allegro 3 or 4 so who knows if that is a good idea, either.

Gillius's Programming --

Member #3,110
January 2003

I think you can run VirtualBox side by side with Hyper-V. I have both on some on my machines.

Febreze (and other air fresheners actually) is just below perfumes/colognes, and that's just below dead skunks in terms of smells that offend my nose.
If anyone is of the opinion that there is no systemic racism in America, they're either blind, stupid, or racist too. ~Edgar Reynaldo

Member #13,038
July 2011


I've got a few Allegro 4 games I wrote that work on Win 10. Is there much difference between 10 & 11?

Unfortunately the games aren't static so I have A4 installed as well. So maybe that's why they work still.

If you have access to Linux, WINEHQ allows you to set the Win version you want to emulate. Last I remember, XP was one of the options.

Edgar Reynaldo
Major Reynaldo
May 2007

hey g,

Most allegro games don't work anymore because of missing dlls or no access to source code. The problem is they target resolutions that aren't supported, like 320x240. If you hack the resolution, they will work on ALL windows versions.

That said, you can recompile if you have access to source, but beware, not all MinGW compilers are supported on older versions of Windows because they use the UCRT which is new to Windows and is not available on older versions of Windows.

If you have access to source, I have allegro 4.4.3 binaries you can use to compile with. Any version of allegro 4 is supported. There are only a few minor deprecation warnings for things like textout.


Member #934
January 2001

I've had issues as 8-bit mode is tricky. I cannot get 8-bit modes to run FULLSCREEN. They will run WINDOWED.

I compiled Allegro to use with MSVS to be able to compile them.

The source is available for OverGod (never heard of it until now). Don't know if it has dependencies or just needs to be compiled.

Member #119
April 2000

So I went the route of VirtualBox with XP, as I saw the binary provided was statically linked. I had to disable Hyper-V to get it to work... I mean, it did work, but it was slow as the VirtualBox forums said, after 40 minutes with "39 minutes remaining" in the Windows XP install I gave up on it and disabled Hyper-V. I had it enabled for WSL (plus it's enabled by default on new Win 11 installs), but I've not used WSL for awhile so I am OK without it.

Probably recompiling would have been the better choice, but VirtualBox was easier. In VirtualBox it can run "fullscreen" but you have to choose a scaling for the image so it doesn't quite fit truly fullscreen but with giant monitors these days the physical image is probably still about the size of whatever monitor I had at the time :).

Gillius's Programming --

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