VIM + Code::blocks

I've recently started using Vim and i have to say i find myself extremely well, it really is an extremely powerfull editing tool.

One thing i miss is the context sensitive autocompletion you get in modern IDEs.
If, for example, i have a class object called weapon i can do weapon. and the IDE will suggest its public methods.

I know a Vim plugin exists for Visual Studio, so i'd think there was also one for Code::Blocks but i can't find it.

Does anybody know of such plugin, or of another free IDE well integrated with WIM?


The question is why don't to use pure Code::Blocks. What exactly is so special about editor with weird keyboard shortcuts and unintuitive contorls (my personal view). On the other hand I'd like to learn a bit more, so I could copy/paste text in it.


Controls indeed are unintuive, the fact is that after you learn them, editing gets much faster and "fun". Yes, fun! :P

Seriously, give a try with a good tutorial/book (or simply at the help files), you'll be amazed by it's power!


That would be a problem, since I despise by books about some common programs like a text editor. Hopefully I'll learn more about Vim as my Introduction to UNIX operating systems continues. And by experimenting with it at home. Nonetheless I still prefer to use Code::Blocks for larger projects and Kate for smaller ones.


In the meantime, have a look at this:


Well that's the first time I have seen some examples of what it can do. I'm quite impressed by it's complexity, but one thing remains in my head: "how the heck I'm supposed to remeber it?"

I mean that if I'm going to learn it right now, I'll end up with month of suffering with memorizing new commands and doing really nothing.


One thing i miss is the context sensitive autocompletion you get in modern IDEs.
If, for example, i have a class object called weapon i can do weapon. and the IDE will suggest its public methods.

You have three ways of autocompleting. The first one is just CTRL-N and CTRL-P in insert mode, that will cycle through all the words in source files beginning with the current text. The second is omni completion (Vim 7 or superior), you use CTRL-X N and CTRL-X P to cycle through words in intellisense mode after turning it on. The third one is using the taglist plugin. You will need to install the plugin (copying it to $VIM/plugins), installing ctags (an executable) and executing a couple of commands to build the tags. This is the closest to intellisense you can get (omni will be in the future since it is natively supported, but it is being worked still).

Here is an image of taglist:

(Edited: If you are using Vim 7 or superior, check OmniCppComplete, I tried it out and works pretty well. It works like taglist (you install the plugin and run ctags to generate the tags), but it uses omni to present the options. Here is how it looks in one of my projects:

I am wanting to check pShop members:

After a . or ->, the omni completion triggers in:

If you begin browsing (with down or up) a buffer opens with the information about the function:

Even though it is not complete, it is very usable, and it even shows inherited methods).


I hereby resolve not to post in this thread anymore.

I use Emacs. ;D


The first one is just CTRL-N and CTRL-P in insert mode, that will cycle through all the words in source files beginning with the current text.

Knew about this one, but it isn't "smart" enough. :)


The second is omni completion (Vim 7 or superior), you use CTRL-X N and CTRL-X P to cycle through words in intellisense mode after turning it on

Didn't know of this one, but after some reading it seems it is:
a) C only
b) not very capable of parsing source files

the manual said:

Vim doesn't include a C compiler, only the most obviously formatted
declarations are recognized. Preprocessor stuff may cause confusion.
When the same structure name appears in multiple places all possible members
are included

Option 3:


The third one is using the taglist [] plugin. You will need to install the plugin (copying it to $VIM/plugins), installing ctags (an executable) and executing a couple of commands to build the tags.


(Edited: If you are using Vim 7 or superior, check OmniCppComplete [], I tried it out and works pretty well. It works like taglist (you install the plugin and run ctags to generate the tags), but it uses omni to present the options. Here is how it looks in one of my projects:

I'm working on this (nobody said Vim&Co where easy ;)), but while i'm sorting out the various config changes, i have a question:
is it able to parse external files? I mean, if i'm working on game.cpp and try to use a Sprite (a class defined in sprite.cpp) method, will OmniCppComplete be able to understand that what i'm asking is in another file?


is it able to parse external files? I mean, if i'm working on game.cpp and try to use a Sprite (a class defined in sprite.cpp) method, will OmniCppComplete be able to understand that what i'm asking is in another file?

If you ctags the files, of course. Check my third screenshot: I am working on CTest.cpp, and omni is showing me methods defined in Shop.h and the ones CShop inherited from Object.h.

The only bad thing is that you need to ctags the files to update. It is not difficult if you set a map to call ctags, and call it every time you add a new method, but it is still not automatic.


The only bad thing is that you need to ctags the files to update. It is not difficult if you set a map to call ctags, and call it every time you add a new method, but it is still not automatic.

You mean i assign a hotkey from Vim to ctags and call it whenever i edit a file, to keep up to date its tags?
Of course i'd also have to assign each file of the project to ctags, right?

Anyway, it seems this is what i was asking for, cookies to you! :)


Nah, you just ctag the directories you want parsed. I use .. when I am editing within src/ so that it parses ../src (the current directory) and ../include (the include one).


Cool, i got it sortof working! :)

in my _wimrc file i have
map <C-F12> :!ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q .<CR>

set nocp
filetype plugin on

...and it automagically works!

The only annoying thing is to have to Ctrl-F12 every time i change a class, it's especially annoying because it opens a window which has to then be closed.

Now i just have to finetune a few things...

[EDIT]Btw how would i go to tag the whole standard library? Run ctags in the include directory of my compiler, and then append to that tag file?

[EDIT2]THe manual says to use C-X, C-O (after . or ->) to use the autocompletion, but while C-O moves down the list, C-X doesn't seem to do anything usefull... any ideas?




The only annoying thing is to have to Ctrl-F12 every time i change a class,

Told you so ;) In theory, you could expand that macro to map <C-F12> :w<CR> :!ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q .<CR> so that it saves and execute ctags automatically.


it's especially annoying because it opens a window which has to then be closed.

That is strange, in Linux there is no such window. I am guessing it is a command prompt? I will try it at work (I have 6.3 installed there still, though).


[EDIT]Btw how would i go to tag the whole standard library? Run ctags in the include directory of my compiler, and then append to that tag file?

Yep! Since they don't likely change, run it once, generate a tags file, and put it somewhere, then set the tags parameter to point to that file at the beginning. In Linux, I ctag /usr/include and /usr/local/include, keep the file at ~/.vim/stdtags, and then in the .vimrc file I add set tags=~/.vim/stdtags,tags,.tags,../tags. My stdtags file is 44mb.

Here is a screenshot when using the ios namespace:


THe manual says to use C-X, C-O (after . or ->) to use the autocompletion, but while C-O moves down the list, C-X doesn't seem to do anything usefull... any ideas?

CTRL-X is a meta key for an omni command (just like Emacs). So, CTRL-X tells Vim you are going to use an omni command. There are so many that Vim has started to use pairs of commands. If you type C-X twice, you will get the context help for all the possible combinations (^]^D^E^F... etc). C-X C-O is the easiest way to trigger omni when you have already dismissed it (say, you wrote test-> and pressed ESC, and want to get the list of members again: instead of deleting -> and typing it again, just press C-X C-O). It is also used for namespace completion, which is not automatic. So, you can write ios:: and omni won't trigger. To do that, you need to press CTRL-X CTRL-O (which is what I typed to get the screenshot above, then I wrote "left").


That is strange, in Linux there is no such window. I am guessing it is a command prompt? I will try it at work (I have 6.3 installed there still, though).

Yep, the "Press a key to continue" type.


Told you so In theory, you could expand that macro to map <C-F12> :w<CR> :!ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q .<CR> so that it saves and execute ctags automatically.

Good idea. :)


Yep! Since they don't likely change, run it once, generate a tags file, and put it somewhere, then set the tags parameter to point to that file at the beginning. In Linux, I ctag /usr/include and /usr/local/include, keep the file at ~/.vim/stdtags, and then in the .vimrc file I add set tags=~/.vim/stdtags,tags,.tags,../tags. My stdtags file is 44mb.

So, the last line means that Vim will check the tags in vim/stdtags, the tags file in the current and upper directory, and in a file called .tags(in the current dir) - Am i right?


CTRL-X is a meta key for an omni command (just like Emacs). So, CTRL-X tells Vim you are going to use an omni command. There are so many that Vim has started to use pairs of commands. If you type C-X twice, you will get the context help for all the possible combinations (^]^D^E^F... etc). C-X C-O is the easiest way to trigger omni when you have already dismissed it (say, you wrote test-> and pressed ESC, and want to get the list of members again: instead of deleting -> and typing it again, just press C-X C-O). It is also used for namespace completion, which is not automatic. So, you can write ios:: and omni won't trigger. To do that, you need to press CTRL-X CTRL-O (which is what I typed to get the screenshot above, then I wrote "left").

Ah, good to know.
Vim is amazing, the more i use it, the more i discover about it, the more i'm amazed by its complexity, the more it makes me feel a little ignorant, so much to learn!

Btw, thanks for everything, you're being most polite and useful!


Yep, the "Press a key to continue" type.

Ah, that one. I don't really care, but if you do, just add an extra <CR> at the end of the map so that it saves you from doing it yourself.


So, the last line means that Vim will check the tags in vim/stdtags, the tags file in the current and upper directory, and in a file called .tags(in the current dir) - Am i right?

Correction: the tags in .vim/stdtags (it is a hidden directory).

Yep. It is a list of files it needs to check (just as path gives a list of paths in which it will search when searching for files when you do CTRL-W CTRL-I on top of a class or type.

And hey! If Stallman can spread the gospel about Emacs, why I can't do the same for Vim ;)


Ah, that one. I don't really care, but if you do, just add an extra <CR> at the end of the map so that it saves you from doing it yourself.

Doesn't work (under winxp). :(

Another question, how do you manage your project files? In an IDE you have them all lined up on a list somewhere on the screen, how do you switch between files with Vim? Call the file with the :!vim file.ccp syntax?


And hey! If Stallman can spread the gospel about Emacs, why I can't do the same for Vim

I don't see why you shouldn't... ;)


Doesn't work (under winxp)

Hmm... strange... I will see if it happens on Windows 2000 too... it works fine under Linux.


Another question, how do you manage your project files? In an IDE you have them all lined up on a list somewhere on the screen, how do you switch between files with Vim? Call the file with the :!vim file.ccp syntax?

There are some plugins that give you a project-like manager, but I prefer doing that manually. There is a key combination to open the header you are currently indicating with the cursor, but I prefer doing that myself.


This thread has me really interested in vi/vim. :D This was really good to experience. Now I'm interested in finding tutorials for vi/vim. But where will I find the time? :-/


Doesn't work (under winxp).

Ah, I noticed what you mean. Under Linux it does not open a new console, just creates a new thread and runs it. Under Windows, it opens a new console forcefully. I am guessing there is a way to compile vimrun.exe to not open the window. For the time being, though, try :map <C-F12> :w<CR>:!start ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q .<CR><CR> (note that you will need the two CR at the end to prevent what commonly happens under Linux: the "Press ENTER or type command to continue" prompt in the Vim editor. Not elegant, but apparently works fine enough (get sure it can execute ctags by putting it in your path, or by using full path in the map).


This thread has me really interested in vi/vim. :D This was really good to experience. Now I'm interested in finding tutorials for vi/vim. But where will I find the time? :-/

When you install Vim it should create a "tutor" directory (C:\Program Files\Vim\vim71\tutor or similar in Windows). Make a copy of it, and edit the "tutor" file inside the directory (so you don't lose the original tutorial) and spend some time reading it. When I started (Vim 5 wasn't released yet) there was a one-file tutorial which was pretty cool (it basically said what I said somewhere else about deleting several lines with a command, etc). I am guessing the new tutorial is much better.

Time is another problem, though.


I installed Vim in Windows a few months ago, but I haven't really used it much... I guess now is my opportunity.


When you install Vim it should create a "tutor" directory (C:\Program Files\Vim\vim71\tutor or similar in Windows). Make a copy of it, and edit the "tutor" file inside the directory (so you don't lose the original tutorial) and spend some time reading it. When I started (Vim 5 wasn't released yet) there was a one-file tutorial which was pretty cool (it basically said what I said somewhere else about deleting several lines with a command, etc). I am guessing the new tutorial is much better.

Actually now there is a vimtutor.bat which will set up the tutorial for you, without even having to make a copy of the tutorial file. :)


Ah, I noticed what you mean. Under Linux it does not open a new console, just creates a new thread and runs it. Under Windows, it opens a new console forcefully. I am guessing there is a way to compile vimrun.exe to not open the window. For the time being, though, try :map <C-F12> :w<CR>:!start ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q .<CR><CR> (note that you will need the two CR at the end to prevent what commonly happens under Linux: the "Press ENTER or type command to continue" prompt in the Vim editor. Not elegant, but apparently works fine enough (get sure it can execute ctags by putting it in your path, or by using full path in the map).

I love you! :-*:D



Now I'm interested in finding tutorials for vi/vim

Believe me, the Vim help file have more information than you can possibly read in a few days. :P


Heh, mind what, I have just achieved to make my boss agreeing with the fact we should upgrade vim on our sun servers and that it could be a nice thing to install code completion for all users too ;-p

Thanks Rey for the link !

Vim FTW !!


Actually now there is a vimtutor.bat which will set up the tutorial for you, without even having to make a copy of the tutorial file. :)

Ah, didn't notice that. Linux has a vimtutor, but didn't think they would add it to the Windows release.

(Edited: Oh, I forgot to mention Vim Intellisense. I used to test it out, worked very well and had Visual Studio-like intellisense. However, I dismissed it years ago because I cannot use it at home (Windows only). You may want to check it out too:


It is inactive right now, as they could not port it to Linux, and with the new omni it may become obsolete in future releases. Still, it pretty good (although a little slow when popping the help information)


(Edited: Oh, I forgot to mention Vim Intellisense []. I used to test it out, worked very well and had Visual Studio-like intellisense. However, I dismissed it years ago because I cannot use it at home (Windows only). You may want to check it out too:

Thanks, but i yet have to fully understand OmnyCppComplete, i'll stick to it for now. :)

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